I loved helping my Grandma at Thanksgiving.
Sure, I got the boring jobs...
Breaking up bread for the stuffing.
Grinding cranberries for the relish.
Rolling out the crusts for the Pumpkin and Mince-Meat Pie.
Peeling potatoes, cleaning out squash, observing
and learning all I could.
Alvena Margaret...Here's hoping I've done you proud!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Stuffed Host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End...Happy Thanksgiving!!!
No way. I'm the first? Wow.
Assuming I press 'send' quickly enough anyway.
Cracking work G. I'll be up in, like, 2 minutes!
That's how my dd learned to fold clothes, apparently. I never actually showed her anything.
Mine is up
Looks yummy ~
Happy thanksgiving ~
awww...nice heart warming 55 g-
mine will be up tomorrow...
i hope that you have had a lovely thanksgiving...
I think we would have loved to see a photo of the delicious food you prepared! And I'm sure you did her proud! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! (our's will be celebrated on Saturday)
The Kiss
That sounds pretty awesome to me G! You are lucky to have been allowed to come in and learn as much as you did. I'd sit down to one of your meals any day as they always sound DELICIOUS!!
Oh, and I do have one today too.
Mmmmm...sounds divine! Especially the pie. :)
I have no doubt you did your Grandma very proud! Happy Thanksgiving, Galen! xo
PS - I sort of cheated a bit, but I am in this week. It's HERE.
sounds like you would have made her proud...happy Thanksgiving, G!
Sounds lovely. I never lived close enough to my grandparents to be able to have Thanksgiving with them, so I had to learn from my Mom instead.
Here's mine: <a href="http://www.ampino.com/2011/11/55-san-marcial.html>San Marcial</a>
I am sure you have. Well done, G. Happy Thanksgiving to you.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
Trying this again. Too much tryptophan tie first time, I guess.
San Marcial
I'm sure she is impressed at your abilities in the kitchen, wish you lived at our house
as promised, here's mine
Sounds like a great time, and so much like our Christmas dinners over here in the UK. Great little tribute to your gran.
Here's mine:Wife
That's quite a feast. You'll find mine here.
I really hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Great 55 - yes, you've done her proud.
I have conjured up another 55 from my NaNo novel for you this week.
With wonderful memories like that (they brought a tear to my eyes) I don't doubt for one minute that you had a great Thanksgiving. This may be my favorite of your 55s so far, G-Man.
Mine is take note.....
I'm sure she's proud of you G. x
Mine's up.
Quit being humble and shit you know you are a gourmand par excellence.
Sweet and homely :)
Here's one specially for you ... Please do not mind the nistakes if any , I was half asleep but wanted to finish still ..
Thank you
see i told you i would not forget about you...smiles...
my 55 is now up.
Sounds like she taught you some great cooking skills.
Mine's up, a bit cheeky but, we all need to laugh eh!
Here it is.
Have a great weekend Mr G-Man :)
This is so sweet, G-Man! I hope that your Thanksgiving was wonderful.
This is my first entry here...here's my link -http://janukulkarni.blogspot.com/2011/11/55-lets-push-it-baby.html
Happy Thanksgiving...lovely poem.
Not playing (anywhere) this holiday, but wanted to stop by and wish all the 55er's the best of Thanksgivings, especially that boy who's gone from Grandma's helper to chief cook and bottle washer, Mr G. Hope everyone enjoyed watching the Cowboys win by a hole in one yesterday. I won't mention what happened between the Packers and that other team. ;_)
Happy Belated Thanksgiving.
Will see you later at 55s'
Thanks for everything you do.
I used to love watching my grandma make the bread, up to her elbows in warn dough, that yeasty smell all through the house. Thanks for bringing back that memory.
Mines up. My sentences served ;)
I'm late, but I'm up, G-Man!
One from the dark side HERE
So nice. I actually did a couple neither so good. A lot going on and very tired.
I will do true link next week.
(Ps--Grandmothers are the best.)
been a while g, but I am glad to come back...off to read some
lovely sentiment, Galen! i'm sure she's very proud.
have a wicked weekend, my friend.
I'm sure she's proud, G-Man. How could she not be? Hope your day was a wonderful, relaxing one... and full of excellent food and good company.
i have no doubt she's looking down and beaming with pride. :)
Happy Thanksgiving! :-)
happy thanksgiving Papa G...
just wanted to know
what awesome food
you'd be preparing...
Glad for your heartwarming 55, thank you.Spent the holiday with my brother here at my house- very unusual. Today was our town craft fair and I worked at our Church selling books and lunch. Tonight we celebrate my hubby's Birthday, which means I better go wrap some gifts!
Sorry no energy for a story this week hopefully I'll get back up to speed & style soon.Have a great weekend-
I'm sure she would be proud. Happy Thanksgiving!
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