Stately...Oddly out of place.
Yellow makes you GLOW!!
Many said that you would never live to be this age.
But you not only survived...You Thrived!
Pictures taken at exactly.....5:55 PM
I just LOVE ambiguity...hehehehe
See you tomorrow at 8:00 PM EST.
....G said assumingly!!
you are aglow!!!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
hmmm...aliens glow you know...
see you manana
Very nice picture, Mr. Gee. You do look a little sparkly.:)
Yello, Mr G-Man
have a nice day now..
You know what assuming does don't you?
you make me giggle with your self-effacing humor. lovely tree and lovely friend.
Looking good, G-Man!
Glowing in the dark--been visiting Fukiyama lately? I hear it's 5,555 miles away, exactly.
See ya later, Sir G. (And I didn't sweat that poem down from 87 words to 55 to not post it! Get real. ;_) )
555... better than 999 (or 666)
Very autumnal. :-)
Yellow, my favorite color ever! there's no doubt about it!
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