Today the World population reached SEVEN BILLION!!!
On behalf of all the environmentally conscious citizens
of planet Earth, we would like to send a warm and
resounding "Cross Your Legs You Stupid Fuckers" to ...
The Duggers
Kate Gosselin
Whew!!! I feel much better ...Thanks!!
lol...and mouthes go hungry...
Too late. . .
And listen, not to worry; the future belongs to those who show up for it. . .
And honestly, just looking at your chart, it doesn't look like the Duggars, et al, are your problem. Maybe we just need to stop sending medical care to those pesky developing countries. You know, die a few billion of 'em off. . .
You seem to feel rather strongly about this.:)
I can't understand why anyone would want that many kids! :0
Some people take up macrame, others make babies for a hobby.
Another vote for free sterilization?
I think you might have touched a few nerves there. ;)
Intentionally childless, and proud of the fact!
Amen. And, no, it's not alright to have eight kids just because you can. What's scary to me is that this gives fangs to the Monsanto vampires who say the only way to feed this many people is with genetically altered crops and heavy use of herbicides and pesticides. Of course this isn't true, but it fuels the argument that some believe.
I had my twins the natural way, frisky ovaries I think, 4 kids in 5 years, took your advice after that, but it sure is fun seeing what you can make
Dang it, Yvonne, no-one told me I was supposed to check with you before having eight kids. You're not gonna come and take 'em away from us, are you? Does it make it better if I say that only three of 'em still live at home?
I think there are a couple of men in these stories who also bear some responsibility and deserve a big thunk on the head.
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