"Pops" owned the local hardware.
For years everyone loved shopping there.
A friendly smile from a young student wearing
a nail apron always walked you to your desired
item. From the worn hardwood floors, to the smell
of fertilizer, you felt welcomed. But lately,
"Pops" felt ignored!
GRAND OPENING.....The Home Depot!!!
Yep, sometimes people forget their old friends when
something new moves into town...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Thanks G-Man for the gr8 55 always !!!
There's no place..."
Well, ain't nobody gonna be forgetting YOU!!
…and you were worried I wouldn’t make it by Friday? I duct-taped the internet back together and dialed in to the G-Man Channel just in time, it seems.
Anarchist’s cookbook be damned, I’ve brewed up a recipe that’ll keep you outta the kitchen for as long as it takes. Curious? Come on over!
I would rather shop with Mom and Pop. They know stuff!! Home Depot....they don't know left from right.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
Timely, good write. =)
Here's mine.
Score!!! Yahtzee
Can't believe I could beat Ti at anything
I love the retro stores something missing these days
thanks again G...
I'm here to try to yahtzee my way into Brian's slot, as he is off frollicking on something he calls a 'date'--it sounds vaguely familiar but I've been married way too long to remember exactly how that goes.
Anyway here is his offering for the Friday mayhem:
Brian Miller's 55
Obviously a dismal failure on the whole mah jong thing, but I am still playin.
Here's mine, and no dictionary needed, I sincerely hope:
Data Storage
And you could never be forgotten--can I help it if my power goes out?? A generator you could buy me, then this stuff wouldn't happen. Not at Home Depot, though. They suck. ;_)
How can we forget you...
I am playing along:
Have a kick ass weekend ~
I miss some of the mom-and-pop stores, especially the book stores. Poignant 55, Galen.
You thought you had to remind me, didn't you? Ha! I was ready to go with The American Dream.
I hate when the old are neglected. Maybe that's because I'm the oldest (and wisest and best) goat here. My human has a 55 here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/08/18/seasons-change/
Ah, Moon. I'll hafta tell you what I told Brian when he got all exuberant about a Yahtzee: sometimes I share first place with other people. It's the nice thing to do :)
(I know. He didn't like my response, either.)
For the record, lots of people beat me at lots of things. All the time. For real. *grins*
Ti - I respect for your many talents
you really do shine from the north
Ti, love you, really...haha...i will let you be first next week...smiles.
hey back from my hot date...thanks hedge for tagging me in...
was just in a nice small town grocery today a little bigger than a gas station...all wood counters hard wood floors was really cool...my grandpa was a seed man and had an old store...
Last summer I went back to Wisconsin, and was so glad to see the pops there still very much in business.
Oh, and Mine is up.
It's so sad how people refuse to show any amiable customer service! They are like robots get it, get out. So sad... :(
Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?
YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!
I've been to our little Jonesville hardware store many more times than I have ever set foot in a Home Depot.
Of course, my two X chromosomes tend to make me avoid hardware stores at all costs anyway...
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
I hate when that happens! Great 55, G-Man.
Sad to see the Mom & Pop shops go.
My 55 is here
I couldn't possibly tell you what happened to me in a Home Depot Store in only 55 words. So HERE is Something Completely Different,
Poor Pops :(
The saddest thing is that all these new stores are so homogenous, all trying to be everything to everyone and failing.
Awesome 55, Galen.
My 55 is The Rising
I'm an insomniac, I think! See HERE What a time to post!
I grew up in a small town. It was impossible to go out Friday night and not have your parents hear about it on Sunday morning at church.
Your photo brought back some fond memories. I hope it's alright that I used it for mine: Town Crier
It's been a while, but I played. I miss my old, local hardware guy...
55 memories
so true. i do consciously try to support local business and generally prefer a mom & pop to a chain place. sadly so many have closed.
it's late but i'm up here
Sharp Edges
Weekend Hugs xoxox
Truer words were never spoke. But the big box customer service often drives people back to their roots.
Mine is here:
Navel Gazing in the Extreme
Sorry I've not been by in a while G-Man .. I love old shops! I've written a 55 this week. Hope you have an awesome weekend :)
Always support your local small trader! Great 55.
I'm up here
Oh poor Pops.
Mine's up.
Gimme good old shops any time!
Here is mine:
a mute question
Poignant 55. I remember an old hardware store like the one in the photo here in the small town where I live. It was the mid-1980s but when I walked in onto the ancient wooden floor I felt like I was back in the 1880s. I'm glad I got to experience a store like that...
two rooms
Oh, I know what you mean, G-Man! I guess the trick is bear the corporate label while still keeping the personal touches like customer service, friendly chit chat, trading baseball stories...great 55!
Mine is here:
Really kewl:)
I love that picture, it says so much about how shops "used" to be, and how much things have changed.
I feel the same way about the corner bookstore. I had nothing so I'm late. I can be found HERE
Now this fits right in with my little
55 ! -all except the Home Depot-
Bent Fork and its environs never, never
had one of those. So I will come visit
your hardware store but I have to say
it is a long way to travel. Thanks and have a great week!
Back agin. Loved taking part in last weeks and reading everyone eles's too.
It's true new superstores killed the samller 'family' stores stone dead and it is a great shame for the loss of that close kind of community service.
Anyway here's my 55:
The Greater Hope
Thanks G-Man anddddd...you have yourself a kick-ass weekened..Love that expression ;)
Not only do we still have that kind of local hardware store (and about 30 miles from one of the "big" ones), the owner died last week at the age of 55 and the town all but shut down! Thanks for remembering the backbone of communities.
Mine's up. Check the rest of you later!
I'm back. Missed everyone last week. I'd much rather be here than where I was.
We have a hardware store like this. The town is too small to interest the big guys. :)
Mine is up: What He Wants
Mine is up!
Happy Friday everyone!!!
Thank you for your comment Mr G-Man, made me smile. :)
Have a kick ass weekened yourself.
Love that expression ~! LOL
Two words: ACO Hardware!
Here's mine: Procrastination
happy firday :0) hope y'all like elephants here's mine -
enjoy the weekend everyone!
I am such a sticker to old and tried .. Nice 55er !!
My post : M
Ah yes, the small town store. I often paid extra for that honor in Petoskey. I loved the service and friendliness. Unfortunately, the HomeDepots of this world often have better prices...
I barely got mine out in time... but I persevered and didn't give up hope that I would find a few minutes between cleaning and errands. I can't wait for school to start (not really true :)
Here's my 55
Pops oh Pops -- Lowe's is here too.
Whatever is this society coming to?
"Progress" marches on, everything's plastic.
Sorry Dear Pops to hear you got your ass kicked.
LOVE toe old photo, Galen.
Wow, G-Daddy.
It's been a very...VERY long time since I've been here.
But, take a guess at the first place I came to visit in Blogland. Yeppers....
It may have been awhile, but I never forget. Blogger Depot ain't got nuthin' on the likes of you. Hell, you ARE blogger depot. Look at how you've spruced things up around here! My, my...hotness.
Tomorrow is the first day of the semester and guess what shirt I'm wearing?
Love you.
I'm late, but I'm up! Mine's on my poetry blog.
Is it still Friday??
Methinks probably so.
here you will find my 55
Not everything changes for the better.
Oh, my. I have spent waaay too many hours at the Home Depot. I'm swearing off of it. haha Managed to get a 55er posted. Not feeling so well this evening. But better late than never! D
another great 55, G. America lost itself to big corporations in the quest to save a dollar. so sad.
i didn't make it by midnight ~ i couldn't get my post up until 2:15. even if you don't come by, i wanted you to know that my first post back is a 55. {smile}
have a wild weekend, Galen! dani
oops! forgot to leave the link {it's late} ~
thanks, G-Man!
55 comments - kismet
It was Kismet now it's just...
57 Comments....hehehehe
a change is indeed makes a difference,
powerful ending,
Thanks for sharing.
I am late, which is great because I can see the whole picture,
here is My 55
a change in size does indeed make a world difference, to the store, i mean.
well done 55.
Thanks for sharing...
Better late than never right? I sold my soul for computer access. I'm up.
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