Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
Please be patient, only TWO more days of
my Maize and Blue Theme week...Hehehehehe!
There are NO overt or subliminal 55's today,
But I do have a little 'Theme Related' story for you.
The last verse of U of M's Fight song "Hail To The Victors's"
goes...Hail Hail to Michigan The Champions of The West!!
This reference goes back an awful long time. U of M's first
year of collegiate varsity football was 1879.
The conference that they played in was called The Western
Conference. It is now defunct! Michigan joined it's present
conference The Big Ten in 1896. As you might expect, back at
the turn of the Century The Ivy League dominated college football.
The rest of the country was pretty much up for grabs with
Minnesota, Chicago, Notre Dame, and Michigan always in the fray.
I made refernce the other day to a famous sportswriter of the
mid 20th Century...Grantland Rice.
He wrote a powerful piece of nostalgia that always sends shivers
up the back of any Wolverine....
"I remember the stand at Thermopylae
The Greek Guard made one day;
I remember the legions that Caesar used
To shatter the Gallic sway;
And I remember across those years
Two banners that crowned the crest,
When Yale was king of the conquered East,
And Michigan ruled the West.
At night in my humble den I dream
Of the glories that used to be-
Of Hannibul taking The Alpine Trail,
Of Drake on the open sea;
And then I wander the ancient ways
To a dream I love the best
When Yale was king of the conquered East
And Michigan ruled the West."
Be True To Your School....
Now do you know why I LOVE it so?
See you Thursday 8:00 PM EST.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Haiku Wednesday....
"Autumnal Party
Yep...The TRUE meaning of life
The rest is details!"
I've seen this prompt kicking around for
a few years now, and I thought I'd give it a whirl.
If you wanna play, post a Haiku then visit Jenn ....Here!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Probably TMI For All But The Loyal Blue...
This coming Saturday I'll be attending my 40th
straight Michigan Home Football Opener.
I'm sure it will bore the Bejesus out of most of you,
but fair warning, this week there will be a recurring theme!
"Tradition is something you can't bottle. You can't buy it
at the corner store. But it is there to sustain you when you
need it most. I've called upon it time and time again, and so
have other Michigan athletes and coaches. There is nothing
like it...I hope it never dies."
(Fritz Crisler...Michigan Football Coach from 1938-1947.
Responsible for introducing 'The Winged Helmet' in 1938)
"For when the One Great Scorer comes
To write against your name
He writes NOT that you won or lost...
But how you played the game!"
(Grantland Rice...Alumnus Football)
(Ole '98' Tom Harmon, Michigan's 1st Heisman Trophy Winner)
Much More Sappy stuff coming to you this week..hehehehe
Stay Tuned!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tee Time....
Hi everybody..
Here's hoping Mean Old Irene didn't
piss on your parade!!
My Son Resse was my golf partner at the
Annual Vic Canever Chevrolet Golf Outing today.
The weather was perfect, the Pizza and Hot Wings
were fantastic. The Margarita's were Outstanding.
We each got over 200 Dollors worth of prizes and cash.
The Greens and Fairways at Willowbrook Golf Club in
Byron Michigan, were in Fine shape.
When anyone ever asks me if I'm having fun whilst
golfing, I have the same answer...
"I'm not at work, and I'm not at home,
how bad can it be"?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Sunday 160.....
Hazel pools, crimson tresses.
Perfect pins, n'eath size two dresses.
A cherry smile, ass like a bubble.
Go on, say Hi...Can that cause any trouble?
(Not Much!!)
Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction in
160 characters..EXACTLY? Yes? Then post it on
your blog, and then go tell The Monkey Man!!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....
"Ooooooh, there's a perfectly matched pair of blue
argyle socks. I think I'll help myself to THIS one!
Oh Yeah...This guy just bought a Van Heusen dress
shirt. I feel like (POP!!!) removing the top button.
And for the Coup de Grace...EVERYTHING gets turned
inside out"!!
LADIES and GENTLEMEN, Meet....The Laundry Goblin!!!!
Aha...I Knew It!!!!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most mis-matched host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
August 23 In Music History....
She keeps Moet et Chandon in her pretty cabinet
"Let them eat cake" She said
Just like Marie Antoinette...
On this Day in 2004, Queen becomes the first
band officially sanctioned by Iran since the cultural
revolution in 1979 outlawed rock groups.
Lead singer Freddie Mercury, born Farrokh Bulsara
in Zanzibar of Indian parents, had always remained
quite popular in Iran
Speaking of Queen, on this day in 2007, lead guitarist
Brian May, was awarded his Ph.D. in Astrophysics from
London's Imperial College. The very Ph.D he was seeking
when the band started Kicking Ass many years earlier.
Caviar and Cigarettes
Well versed in etiquette
Extraordinarily nice
She's a Killer Queen......
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Everyday across America dozens of storage lockers
Are auctioned off because of lack of payment. Cable
Channel A&E's highest rated show is Storage Wars!
Meet the weekly bidders that the series follows..
Barry Green...The Collector. Very Retro Cool Dude.
Jarrod and Brandi..The Young Guns. They own a Second
Hand Store.
Darrell Sheetz...The Gambler. This guy is a buffoon.
David Hester...The Mogul..He has a Huge Thrift Store
But drives the bidding up just for kicks, He's a very
knowledgable Ass Hole!
Since Swamp People on The History Channel is done for
the season, This is my New Favorite Show!!
These guys find some UNBELIEVABLE things that people just
let go to waste. Do any of you watch this show?
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Sunday 160....
She never looked me dead in the eye.
Maybe that was part of the attraction.
That. mixed with Lucky Strikes and
L'Air du Temps! Her mood was always ennui.
Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction
in 160 characters EXACTLY? Yes.? Then post it
on your blog and go tell... The Monkey Man!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....
"Pops" owned the local hardware.
For years everyone loved shopping there.
A friendly smile from a young student wearing
a nail apron always walked you to your desired
item. From the worn hardwood floors, to the smell
of fertilizer, you felt welcomed. But lately,
"Pops" felt ignored!
GRAND OPENING.....The Home Depot!!!
Yep, sometimes people forget their old friends when
something new moves into town...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
TMI Tuesday....
Hi Everybody...
Have you ever read poetry or prose that
was so "Out There" that you had to re-read
it two or three times just to get the general
idea of the thing? Is it 'Beautiful' to Google
every other word? Are people being clever for
the sake of being clever? People certainly don't
everyday conversate like Billy Shakespeare do they?
Am I a complete Dolt? A partial Dolt?
Am I expected to understand what goes on in the
FAR reaches of peoples troubled caffeine fueled
Minds? Am I a victom of Cultural Pluralism...
Or am I just mired in Oligophrenia?
It's obvious that I'm no poet. I've never pretented
to be. I do consider myself a Humorist (of sorts).
I do know that many talented folks DO indeed
think Poetically. Some...Just want you to think that!!
Whew...Thanks for letting me vent. I'm just getting
fed up with feeling so stupid when I read something.
OK...What if I wrote like this All The Time?
Even on Fridays......
The NASH-GOB of the impending SHONGABLE was putting
Poor ole Oswald in a state of MUBBLEFUBBLE.
He was unwinding at the Pub.
"Sally My Dear...It's IRREFRAGABLE that if you keep
SHENCHing me, I'll become CHERUBIMICAL and speak nothing
but GLOSSOLALIA. Then you just may have to YERD me hard
to make me leave"!!!
Nash-Gob...Arrogant Gossip
Shongable...A Shoemaker Tax
Mubblefubble...Extreme Depression
Shench...To pour a drink for someone
Cherubimical...Extreme Drunkeness
Yerd...To beat with a stick
Oligophrenia...Extreme mental retardation
If I wrote a 'Google 55' every week,
wouldn't that make you want to GIRN???
Mr. Knowitall grows weary....Peace!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Anybody Got a Tums?.....
What to do on a rainy Sunday with no one home?
How about raiding the freezer and the fridge, and
and see what you can improvise?
Pic #1...Pesto! I didn't have any Pine Nuts so I used
Pecan Pieces. No Basil so I used Parsley and Cilantro.
No fresh Parmesian, so I used the sprinkle kind. Garlic.
But I DID have Olive Oil...Blend, and dump over pasta!
Pic #2...In a bag add sliced Summer Squash, sliced Tomatoes,
sliced Peppers, cut up chunks of Cheese, chopped Cilantro
and Parsley, Add about a cup of Italian Bread Crumbs,Onions, Garlic
shake well, dump in an Oven Dish.....Bake!!
Pic#3...Season the Fresh Pork Butt to your taste, cover with
foil and bake at 300 for 6 hours. At this point you can either
have Pulled Pork, or you can have a delicious filling for
Tamales. The Pork just falls apart.
Pic#4...In the bowels of my freezer I found a package of
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough that had a Little Caesars Logo,
so it must have been bought for a fund raiser. There was
enough for 5 Dozen Cookies. I thawed it out and they turned
out Terrific!!
Reese finally made it home, my buddy Alex stopped by, and we
feasted like Kings.....
It's GOOD to be The King!!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Sunday 160.....
"Mister? I'd like a Hershey Bar please".
OK kid, male or female?
Male or female, with nuts or without?
"Never mind, Just give me a Three Muskateers."
Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction in
160 characters EXACTLY? Yes? Post it on
your blog, then go tell The Monkey Man....Here!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Friday Flash 55.....
(There they are...
All cozy and lovey-dovey.
That lying cheating bastard of a husband.
And with My own bitch sister!
Lets see how they like the Hemlock Hi-Ball
I've made them.)
"OK, here's the plan, you take your sister
shopping. When you get back, the guests will be
hiding for her Birthday Party".
Sometimes things just aren't how they appear!
When was the last time you heard the term Hi-Ball used?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most Hi-Ballin' host from coast to coast....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Thursday Portrait.....
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
Ponce de Leon Tuesday.....
OK...So we are all growing older by the second.
Why freak out about it? Embrace it gracefully
is what I say. To all the women that fight age
tooth and nail, here's what you have to look foreward
Helen Mirren is 66
Raquel Welch is almost 70
Sophia Loren is 70 PLUS!!
70 is the new 50!!!
I'm now off to get my beauty sleep!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Musical Monday....
Pink Floyd used to be called The Tea Set,
before calling themselves The Pink Floyd Sound.
Named after two Piedmont Bluesmen Pink Anderson
and Floyd Council!
All of Pink Floyds founding members except for
Syd Barret, met while studying architecture at
London's Regent Polytechnic Institute in 1964!!
On The Dark Side of the Moon's "Brain Damage",
Pink Floyd's road manager Peter Watts (Actress
Naomi Watts father), did the weird background
When the MGM Lion roars for the THIRD time at the
start of the movie The Wizard of Oz...Start playing
The Dark Side of The Moon! Some very strange
synchronicities between the album and the film
The Dark Side of the Moon stayed on The Billboard
Music chart for 725 Weeks!!!
BTW....Which One's Pink?
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Zodiac 160.....
Don't be surprised if you think people are avoiding
you. They Are! The dry weather is making your skin
flake and shed like a snake. It's Gross! Just sayin...
Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction in Exactly
160 characters? Yes?
Post it on your blog and go tell Monkey Man....Here!