Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sunday 160....

She never looked me dead in the eye.
Maybe that was part of the attraction.
That. mixed with Lucky Strikes and
L'Air du Temps! Her mood was always ennui.

Is it Sunday? Can you write Micro-Fiction
in 160 characters EXACTLY? Yes.? Then post it
on your blog and go tell... The Monkey Man!


  1. She really was a kind of wooden actress, but it just didn't matter--they had the chemistry and nothing else mattered. Nice one, G-man.

  2. oh you set the scene well...yeah they had it going on...with style...

  3. Bogie and Bacall. The perfect couple. Thanks for playing along with the Sunday 160.

  4. what a pair!

    Aloha from Waikiki;

    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >


  5. Maybe he should have got her a pillow to sit on?

  6. I love it, Galen - love is never actually have to make a connection ;)

    L'Air du Temps - I'm now flashing back to an old auntie of mine. That was her favorite dress-up scent :)

  7. You really set the stage for this one, G-Man! Nice!

  8. So next Thursday night, just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, G? You just put your lips together and...blow. ;-)
