Monday, August 8, 2011

Ponce de Leon Tuesday.....

OK...So we are all growing older by the second.
Why freak out about it? Embrace it gracefully
is what I say. To all the women that fight age
tooth and nail, here's what you have to look foreward
Helen Mirren is 66
Raquel Welch is almost 70
Sophia Loren is 70 PLUS!!

70 is the new 50!!!

I'm now off to get my beauty sleep!


  1. Oh, to look like Raquel when I'm 70! Now, would be fine, too.

  2. I don't want to know how much it cost- I just want to pay my bills! ( before I'm seventy)

  3. They look terrific, don't they? I am SO glad to hear that 70 will be the new 50.

  4. well, i don't dye, i don't do make-up, and i sure as hell won't do plastic surgery. so i will either sag or shine. whatever...

  5. Thank God! I thought these boobs I was growing were odd, now I see that as I age they are normal. Man I can't wait to get into that bikini...but I refuse to wax!

  6. Well, seeing how I'm approaching the half century mark it's good to know that the "new 50" is still a couple of decades away!

  7. Those ladies are an inspiration. I hope I look that good when I get to their age. Crikey I just realised I've not got long to go! :0

  8. forgot Cher... though all of that "youth" is not real...

  9. Plastic surgery can't buy the kind of classy that we look up to.

    And Go Helen!

  10. Had to look up Ponce de Leon, don't laugh. I not only want to look like Helen at 70 I want her gutsy chutzpah too, in the positive sense.

  11. Helen Mirren, maybe. The other two have had plastic surgery - not what I'd consider aging gracefully.

  12. I can't AFFORD to look that good as I creep ever closer to ancient ages - lol!

  13. They look grrreat.
    Sometimes I still cannot believe that I am a grownup. But I sure look like one in the mirror!

  14. The three of them still look gorgeous and sexy at their age.

    Cassy from Guitar Made Easy
