Lewis and Clark never grew tired of the majesty.
Around every bend in the river, atop every overlook,
they alone were the first white men to set eyes on
America's unspoiled beauty! As the pair made their
way up the jagged outcropping, something was boldly
carved on the mountain side......
"FRED 03"
Theres always one in every crowd isn't there?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!
haha...wouldnt that bea sight...i have always been fascinated with lewis and clark as i long for that kind of adventure...have their journals....
mine is up.
I think there actually were graffiti--but they were Native American petroglyphs.
Okay, okay, so yours is funnier.
I got off my bed of deathly sickness to play. Fortunately, I already had this one ready to go:
good one, I never had the guts to leave my mark on anything except for the odd Inukchuk along the highway
fun post... have a kick ass weekend too~
This is TOO good!
Here is mine:
Hedge is right; definitely petroglyphs!
Mine will be up on my poetry blog in the morning.
Fred 03...or maybe "Fred 55"?
Mine is up, it's HERE.
That Fred...he was quite the wanderer.
HERE is my 55 for this week.
And they called it hieroglyphics and said how cute the natives are for writing it.
Mine is up
Lewis and Clark wonder what their take on Americana today would be?
Always a funny take on things
Thanks G
lol! I love it, Galen! I can just imagine Lewis and Clark's faces when they realized Fred beat them to it! ;)
Have a spectacular weekend!
My 55:
the 'kick ASS-iest!
Aloha from Waikiki;
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
< ° ) } } > <
Fred must be related to Kilroy!
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
haha...you are a bit of smarty pants aren't you? I made it this week and mine is up!
well well, don't you have a knack of playing it along the legendary line too well? Well, ended up smiling!!
Weekend hugs xox
Talk about having your hopes dashed!
I'm being brave and publishing my first 55 this week. It's here: http://ramblesinwriting.blogspot.com/2011/07/dam.html
Fred...now, I was expecting you to go on and on about them seeing the beautiful young lady, Sacajawea, who made the majesty look ugly...ah well.
You know me, couldn't resist the current events, ergo, there's a small fire over at my place, keeping things light."
Oh, man... I think I wrote that at Rooster Rock, once!
I once drank wine where it's reported that the whole caravan landed and first saw the ocean. Heady stuff - the wine and the surf.
I shook off responsibility and played (first time in a while!)
and counting...
Got the bail money ready, sweetheart?
Sorry, G-man. That was an accidental double post. I took The Artist down. You'll see it again in a few weeks.
leaving a trail for posterity
check out my rebirth at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/07/rebirth.html
Fred? Fred Flintstone??
And yes...I played Here
Ah, Wozere got everywhere. Nice one.
You'll find mine here.
I guess I am missing some context here, since i am not from that part of the world. would like to find out though.
A handmade, homegrown special for you today!
Might have gone better if I hadn't read it the first time as Lois and Clark! :)
My 55 are here
Oops! Forgot the link! HERE!
Happy Friday, Galen! Glad to see you still in good sassy form. I've been working my poor fingers to the bone this month, but my cat made me write a 55 this week. Actually, she dictated the thing and I won't vouch for it. All I'll say is that it is, indeed, 55 words if you count the title.
Cat Attack
i always finish reading your 55 with a smile on my face, G! thank you. mine's kind of satirical this week. have a FABulous weekend, Galen!
Very funny! I wonder, who gets to be the first to get anywhere or do anything these days...so the lesson I take from this is boldly go and do...it's all been there done that, y'know?
I'm playing this week:
I wrote about what I've been processing lately. It's not much but it is HERE
See you all after work!
Messed up my other comment....
I like your L&C piece lots. Like them lots. Have visited Fort Clatsop, their winter encampment and it's a great museum.
I'm back this week, here. Thanks for the fun.
lolz ! but seriously .. i dont like people doing that !!
Letters - a poem
So that's why that's painted on their statue in town... Good one G. Your endings always surprise me.
Mine's up. It's about nature, and other things...
Night Watch
Well at least it wasn't Kilroy! LOL
Mine's up.
I just had a thought maybe Kilroy is a 'this side of the pond' thing and it won't mean anything to you.
Knowing you, G Man, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. :-)
Mine is up.
Graffiti. Yep. Those kids back then… no respect :)
Sorry to be late- schedule is all sideways this summer for me. I’ve got one posted, though- come on over!
In my opinion, there's nothing ruins a view like the faux names of people who feel it necessary to tag everything like dogs with piss. That said, I do have a fondness for street art - which many people consider graffiti.
My 55 is here
Have a kick ass weekend, sir.
apparently sacagawea had a tourist business before lewis and clark hired her
Oh, I wonder if Lewis n Clark wondered if Fred was a white man too B-) Interesting take, G-man!
My Flash 55 - Hard to Please
tee hee
thats funny...
Love, it G-Man! Made me chuckle.
I will be back in next week.
havin' a great summer, hope you are too.
LOVE your new stylin' look,as per Thursday Portrait.
A bittersweet thing, given what we've done to all that unspoiled beauty.
Yep. I remember traveling somewhere in Va. and the guide showed us where one young George Washington had carved his name in a rock while surveying property!
Took a break this week but hope you have a good weekend!
Hello, Galen: Hey, better late than never. Still trying to get back in the groove. My 55er is up! Come see. D
Galen, a million rupees is about $5000, but in India we have cars that would cost as much as 20 million and more. We do have Ferrari yes!
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