You know I'm Crazy.
Crazy for feeling so lonely.
She drives me Crazy.
All over a...
Crazy little thing called love.
They say I'm Crazy but I have a good time.
And even though I'm...
Still Crazy after all these years.
I'll continue to ride that...
Crazy Train
I've always been Crazy, but it keeps me from going insane!
This Poetic/Writing form is called... Plagiarism!
And I'd like to thank...
Willie Nelson
The Young Cannibals
Joe Walsh
Paul Simon
And Waylon Jennings.
Is it Wednesday? Do you have any Poetry or Prose
Laying around? If you do, post it on your blog,
Then go visit....Here!
nice. stay crazy gman! its the only way to be! smiles.
snap did i just...
You got me to laugh like a clown at the name of this complicated form you've excelled yourself in--Nobody does it better, except maybe your crazy mama (JJ Cale)
Nice picture of a vagina. (just kidding) "I've always been Crazy, but it keeps me from going insane!" Aint that the truth. Dig all the artists you thank too.
In some instances crazy is good!! In your case it is wonderful G-Man ... I had a good laugh, thanks :)
Ha ha -- great lines from great songs! We love ya crazy!
you made me smile with this one. great songs to steal from.
You are too funny!!!
wew wew wew wew wew
it's plagarism police
put your keyboards up
If you're going to plagiarize, plagiarize Ozzy!
The only way to be...crazy!
Ha! Great form G! Happy OSW
If we weren't a little crazy, I think we'd all go insane. And now I've got to find a way to get all those songs out of my head. And at bedtime too...
and how many of those are on my ipod? and "crazy" songs you failed to mention....
yeah, i'm crazy and livin' la vida loca!
Well, what a band THIS wold be! I can just imagine it ... it would be CRAZY! And DUSTUS!!! It looks more like a pelvis... guys and their one track minds...
lol! I loved it! My favorite "crazy" is Pasty Cline :)
G-man, I love you for your crazy ways.. stay that way.. hahahaha
Thank you for making us laugh!
Hugs xoxo
LOL :D That was a crazy form and you just left me laughing like crazy. Liked it :D
My One Shot Poem
To crazy for me.
Stay crazy, I love you that way! LOL
No 55 from me this week G, I'll be on my way to the USA on Friday morning!
Look out for a 55 on the 13th though. ;)
The only way to be is at a little crazy or shit life would be a bore. :)
AWESOME, Galen!! Me likes crazy... and like you said, it's better than be branded "insane" ;-)
Oh, and while you are at plagiarism (lolz), can I just "steal" that image you have out up with the poem? It's tooooooo good! I totally loved it, just as much as I loved the poem!
Oh.. and here is my crazy li'l one shot for ya, my friend..
So GLAD you're still crazy after all these years, Galen! We would be sad to have you any other way.
Jimmy Buffet (and Patti) are right "If we weren't crazy, we'd all go insane." or something like that.
very clever, G...perhaps I should do a 55 to Patsy since you left her out...actually, you could call this flarf poetry, and I'm diggin' it ~
I hate to burst your crazy bubble, G-man, but you actually wrote a legitimate poetry form called "Found Poetry" I wrote one a few months back here See, you aren't as bad as you think you are - lol
Crazy is not always a bad thing.
And I bet you've got the girls going "crazy on you" (Heart) or "crazy for you" (Madonna).
Sorry for the delayed comment, I'm playing catch-up on blogdom as I can.
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