I have a fraternity brother.
His name is Mike Smith.
In college we called him....Mondo!
He never laughed...He snickered.
He never glanced...He leered.
As a Senior, he dated a Freshman.
AND her 35 year old Mom...AT THE SAME TIME!!
You never knew where his hands had just been.
Good Ole Mondo....
I could do dozen's of posts on this guy, they don't
call you Mondo for nothing!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most nostalgic host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Oh golly, that is GRIM, G-Man! :)
I’ve managed to unthaw 55 words, at long last. Better read ‘em quick before they freeze up again! (It’s good to be back, G-Man.)
yikes i think he was still there when i went to school...lol. i guess all fraternities had them...
i am up!
Love the Animal House reference. Like Brian....I think we all knew that guy.
My 55 is HERE.
Sounds a bit too much like the human's ex-husband's nickname for me to like him. She has posted a 55 here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2011/02/24/fridays-flash-55-dragon-races/
Toga! Toga! Toga! lol
I'm in. Mine's up
Dante’s Dragon
Hey, G-Man! I'm new to this 55 thingy, but my good buddy Brian (we called him "Brino" in college) turned me on to your weekly sharing. So, I'm in. Thanks!
I don't know. He might have just been too big for his britches to get a name like Mondo.
Mine is here.
Definitely an interesting character/person. Good read!
Here's my 55
Hmmm...you know, sometimes they call a fat man "Tiny". Just saying. ;)
Anyhoo...mine's up.
I think he groped me at a frat party once!
Mine will be up in the morning!
mondo sounds like a real piece of work! sounds like you could do a series of 55s on him as a matter of fact.
i played along here
Didn't somebody make a movie about that guy? Or three?
I'm in:
Spare Change
I like Mondo!
Here is mine:
days and days..
Here I am, after four whole days of being without electricity.
I hate ice storms.
Did Mondo eventually become a politician?
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
Brino? really...brino? haha
everyone has a 'mondo' in their past!! hey i got one up this week!!
Guy sounds like quite a character. I may think twice next time I use the word "mondo.":-)
My husband had a friend the called "Snake". Sounds like "Mondo" could have had a number of nicknames...
My 55
Hm. The cucumber is a nice touch.
My 55 is more delicious than a cuke, in my biased opinion:
Bacon-fat gravy
This is my first time posting a Flash 55 here. Nice to be part of a community. I hope you like mine.
I am new to the Flash 55 Community here. I hope you like mine.
...and yet a hint of jealousy remained in me...he was my lab partner *shivers* thanks G
Peace, hp
my words
MMM every one knows Mondo a man of many virtues I see...
Have a great week end,
I played this week.
Good Ol' Mondo!!! Rockin' 55, G-man
I knew a Mondo - well, the same type of guy, different name ;)
Have a fabulous weekend, Galen.
My 55: Whistling
Shame on Mondo. I'm posted also you'll find mine at the end of this postl.
Drive in Memories
these guys sure leave a mark everywhere!
my homecoming in 55 at http://instantwords.blogspot.com/2011/02/homecoming.html
Dear G-man,
Mike seems to be some guy.. errrr Mondo! I liked your sense of humor- totally laughing off!
Here's my 55..
I do speak
Wishing you too a rocking weekend!
Hugs xx
There's always one.
You'll find mine here.
man oh man... and to think there are still more mondo's around.
Oh my GAWD! I think I dated a "mondo" once. that was before I "got well". Hee hee hee. No time to 55 for me as I'm off to work.
Don't tell me - he was your hero! LOL
Mine's up.
What's a fraternity?
My mom took the family to the drive-in (I was 13, my little brother was 7 and baby sister was a toddler) and the feature was "Animal House" (I know - that explains a lot about me - LOL!)
My 55 shares an old Chinese Proverb.
Ha ha. I knew guys like that too!
I'm up with a Shot Through the Heart
Mondo...stay away from my daughters! Hey G, been outta power here in west Michigan for three days...busy too, little time to write but I missed last week and I have the shakes from withdrawl. Have a KA weekend G!
I think I work for him! ;)
I'm posted
A little late in getting around this morning. Some days are slow.
Like your story - Mondo seems like an "interesting character". I expect most schools have someone like that!
Mine's here at Roses to Rainbows
So, G-man, while Mondo was playing Double Agent, what is it you were doing?
My 55 is at:
The pic was self explainatory i guess ;)
some sad 55 words from my side :
Lasting Impressions
I am forty-first commenter on this post! yayyyy.
G-Man, to have been a fly on the wall in your college days (or these days) is probably a scary proposition. :)
Hi again, G-Man! I have posted a story HERE, and you know what . . . I do believe it's TRUE!
Ahhh, wonderful. Love Animal House. I posted a Flash 55 today. Check it out at http://poetrybyadamwhite.blogspot.com
G-Man, I now know for a fact that you are obsessed with people's hands going places.. bwahahahah! This is the 2nd time you are making such a reference!! ;)
I too knew of some such Mondo-like guys... eww.. but thankfully, i didn't know THEM!! whheeww!
Anyhooo... here's my 55er for this week... it kinda goes well with your 55...
You have a ROCKING weekend, my friend..
My new mission in life: convincing everybody to call me Mondo.
Oh, my. With friends like that...What a guy!
Always the last. Mine is up.
Hope you are well. D
This is my first Friday Flash 55. Whew was this fun!!!!!
Thanks, sir!
Plight of the Blogger
Aleza :)
P.S., I think I'm related to that guy.
Bet you he is a pretty lonely guy now though.
I have a musical 55 for you here today. Have a kick-ass weekend G. :)
have you ever seen the movie Blazing Saddles? if so remember MONGO? well everyone tends to call Mr Gab Mongo! He's big like Mongo. you could write lots of crap about Mr Gab (wait did I say crap? lol) Ive tried to think of something anything to do a 55 but my brain just cant put 2 n 2 together!
I think I may have met Mondo at some point in my life! I was able to make in tonight...:)
Walking Man, as long as it is not paternity or maternity, it is fraternity :D
Better watch out! ;-)
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