Thursday, February 3, 2011

Friday Flash 55.....

Growing up, we had different visions of the future.
Orwell's 1884, Clark's 2001....
You can down-load porn on a PC.
If you're rich, survive HIV.
Buy a seat on a shuttle rocket.
A tiny phone in any pocket.
But what I REALLY want to know is....
Where the FUCK is MY Jet-Pack????
Thank You Tim Wilson for the idea...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


Monkey Man said...

So true! We still can't fly to work like the jetsons.

My 55 is HERE.

Monkey Man said...

Oh, is that Yahtzee?

Caty said...

I'm glad we can't fly to work...people can still barely drive! =) Happy Friday!

Brian Miller said...

ha, i want a jet pack too....or a transporter....nice 55

mine is up

lime said...

i wanna be able to transport like the do on star trek!

if you read me this week you'll know why!

moondustwriter said...

I believe it was 1984 tho

Loved Buck Rogers -
not telling anyone where my jet pack is hidden

I went back earlier than 1984

Cloudia said...

yeah! where is it?!

Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

Gung Hee Fat Choy!


Good Luck in the
Year of the Golden Rabbit!

Always Write said...

Outer space is the new earth

maybe there is a two for one value pack for jet packs

mine is here

Serena said...

Jet pack + fear of heights = probably not such a great idea.:-)

steveroni said...

Oh Mr G-Man...I may have your jet-pack. And someone added two wheels underneath. But when I fly by, folks DO still say, "Who WAS that masked man?!"

Did a quick (means 'lame') Flash 55 this week, if you go HERE you'll find it.

Like Brian's 'transporter' idea. WOW!

clean and crazy said...

that's right!! where is that jet pack!! great 55, mine is up too. gotta run and grab my babies hope to stop by in the morning with some fresh, fresh coffee!!

Janna said...

Every now and then I wish we had flying cars.
And then I realize there are people who can barely drive on the ground.
Just imagine if we added gravity to the mix.

Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)

TALON said...

You're so right - we got ripped off!!

Loved your 55, Galen!

Here's mine: TALES

magiceye said...

lol! lovely 55!

I have a question today to the American Government in 55 at

anthonynorth said...

Yes, I was expecting a jetpack by now. You'll find mine here.

Akelamalu said...

We're on the same wavelength this week G!

Anonymous said...

I want my jet pack too.

Mine is up

Belinda Munoz said...

Me, too! Me, too! Does it come with a hand to hold? I'm afraid that's the only way I'd float about in space.

My 55 is a bit intense (hope you don't mind) but I've been involved in the work and am so happy it's finally opening...

Thanks for hosting, once again and have an ass-kickin' weekend!

the walking man said...

Eat more vegetables and you may find your jet pack is internal, just do nt use near an open flame.

MorningAJ said...

But I'm afraid of heights! I just want a monorail that leads directly from my front door to work. :)

My 55 is (are?)here.

Jerry said...

The "G" Jet we will call it....mine is up.

Scott M. Frey said...

All I know is that I'd need a might powerful jet pack to get this big ole' butt of mine airborne. But hey, I am wroking on that!

here's mine:

be well!

Lucy Westenra said...

My first shot at this, G-Man. Mine is not quite rocket science, though.

izzy said...

I could use one of those jet-packs up here in snow gorge city! Thanks-

Linda said...

Jet packs and smart phones, I have neither. Cool 55!

Mine's here at Roses to Rainbows

SY said...

LOL... seriously.. I want my friggin Jet pack!!

anywho I participated this friday!!! yay me..

head over to to see what I came up with

Maude Lynn said...

I love this one! And, where the hell is my hover craft?

I'm up!

Bubba said...

As They Might Be Giants sang, "We're trapped in a world before later on. Where's my hovercraft?"

Better late than never: Lab Rat

Hootin Anni said...

I played, I played....I have a 55 this week. Miss me? LOL


Have a super great weekend everyone.

drybottomgirl said...

Nice, you would look good with a jet pack! Mine is up, have a great weekend and cheer for the Packers!

Raven said...

Yes indeed...where the heck is it? Awesome!

Find my tale of disappointment here:

knot eye said...

I read this and kept hearing "you can't handle the truth"...and we're only using 10% ???...HELP !!!

Peace ,hp

gautami tripathy said...

All I want is a light-sabre!

Here is mine:

sinning through the skin

S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S said...

I would love to be able to transport to India whenever I want to...sigh....♥

Donnetta said...

Galen: Uhmmm. You said a naughty word.

Yes, I told you on Thursday that I posted my murderous 55er. Glad you came by to check it out. I don't think I get many readers because I haven't been visiting the blogs much this last year a half. Had the move and then little Mama going on. Ah, well...D

Larry said...

wow havent seen him in a long time
I'm posted andf ready to be read you'll find you'll find the link below
Perfect Night

Pratibha said...

A fun nostalgic post !!


He painted so

Jannie Funster said...

Meet Galen Jetson...

You big grown-up boy, you. I hope you get the jetpack and soon!

Proud to announce I just posted my 55 HERE


Margaret said...

If you had a jet-pack, there would be no room for coffee! I need my coffee in my car in the morning!

Here is mine...


Margaret said...

What the #$#@#$$ Let me try it again. It didn't link...

My 55

Doctor FTSE said...

Some stories are beyond pathetic. There's an example HERE

joanna said...

Ha Ha
George Orwell's 1984 I almost failed history in High School over that book for I opined a whole different view. Hmmm, no points for imagination,,,

Arthur Clark's Space Odyssey 2001 Kubrick did a fantastic job, the big screens and surround sound was just coming in NYC, it was a trip watching it...

Get a DeLorean DMC-12 the one that was modified into a time machine; ... just sits at Hollywood studios -

Oh came by to say have a good week end, sorry to say my 55 last week did a 160 in 55 MM was nice about it--- and this week the 55 did a 280, I could not get the pig rolled up fast enough. Sigh,


hope said...

I sort of expected a flying car by now...and not the way people fly past me on the road!

Happy weekend. I have posted my apology for not playing.

Enchanted Oak said...

I FORGOTto come by and say I have your jet pack.
Free advice coming out of the woodwork!

Lulda Casadaga said...

If only...some day I'm sure we'll have our very own packs. I'd like mine in pink please...:) I'm finally up...

secret agent woman said...

Or at least my flying car.

Cloudia said...

(Chinese at heart and restaurant :)

Someone is Special said...

true G-Man.. Nice 55..

Someone is Special

Mona said...

look under your bed :D

Stranger said...

I'm looking forward to receiving my jet pack any day now.

Actually, my 4 year old son tells all his friends at school that he has one already. Maybe he'll be the one that finally develops one that's reliable and user-friendly.

Steve Isaak said...

LOL, fun work.