Since losing her sheep, Bo-Peep had to get a second job
to help buy some more...
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poor bo peep! She needs some donations too
Guess you're never too old to start a new career.
Hallelujah ! those fleecy critters have showed up at my place- Thanks!
hope she doesn't loose the laundry too!
If she doesn't lose the laundry and doesn't chap the skin on her hands, it'll be worth it. Hope new sheep aren't too expensive.
A few extra bucks can come in handy these days. I hear sheep can be pretty expensive.
Made me giggle G-Man.
Ah, Bo Peep! That girl does need some help -- but it's true, never to old to start a new career!! Take it from me, I'm old than dirt!! Have a great week, G-man!!
And what a terrible second job it was... LOL!
hehe...hopefully it is only for a short while...
She may need a career change.
great MFM
Happy monday
Haha-- I had a Bo Peep theme, too. It turns out that Bo Peep was quite a resourceful young lady.
That's what happens when you leave them alone to come home by themselves.... they stay missing!
Excellent take on this week's pic.
Well needs must! LOL
Mine's up too. :)
Bo peep lost nothing. I stole them to make mutton stew and a warm coat. bwhahahahahaah
Love it! Even the classics are turning to second jobs now to make ends meet. :O)
Good interpretation of the prompt, Mr G!
Yup, you really have to be versatile in this economy ! thanks!
Hope she doesn't get "fleeced"! :o)
Good one Mr. G!
Oh! Excellent! Second income need! I'll smile about this everytime I see Toy Story and Bo Peep!
Great story line!
poor little bo peep, who knew...
fantastic!! she does look like Bo Peep :)
Poor Bo-Peep! And you know as soon as she buys those other sheep, her old ones will come home, wagging their tails behind them.
Good thing she lost 'em because she'd have a hard time fitting a sheep in that little tub.
Hope she doesn't have to wash any woolens.
Bo Peep Stole Lime's job!
Poor Bo Beep isn't exactly on top of things. At least she doesn't mind a little hard work!
It could've been worse... thank goodness she didn't get mixed up with the Big Bad Wolf!
those sheep aint cheep! she ought to consider opening a coin laundry however, economies of scale being what they are!
Haha--I had been wondering what the little miss did after she lost her sheep...now I know! Thanks for that.
Have a great week. Cheers!
This may be my favorite take yet!
Have a great week!
Very clever G.
For a second there I thought you were going to go somewhere dark. Nicely done, G-Man.
Just keep working away, that's what I always say!
Nice MM.
Oh my the obvious
only you
Anything to help the economy?! LOL
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