As he climbs off his indifferent wife
And races toward Dreamland. The frustrated spouse asks him..
'Honey...Have you ever wanted Passion'?
"Yeah...About 30 seconds ago".
'No.....REAL Passion'!!
"You mean like kissing on the lips,
and remembering the Anniversary Passion?"
With a sigh, she rolls over and decides to meet
theromanceking69@aol.com for lunch tomorrow....
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the Passionate Host from Coast to Coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
I'm going for it
Never lose the passion. My 55 is HERE .
Can't believe I forgot to say Yahtzee.
So sad when the person you should feel closest to is so distant. Have a great weekend G.
Mine's up.
all too real 55. take care of the home fires...
false alarm...dont want to lose perfect attendance...smiles.
my 55
TG we never have any of those converstations or thoughts in our house.
Mine's up here
Congrats to Alice Audrey for her yahtzee.
P.S. (Did you see my header today, notice Blue Bunny's cap?)
lovely 55 G-Man, here is mine for everyone to turn back their golden days..
Golden Days
--Someone Is Special--
Wow...I think you lack of facial hair has made you more serious...this is very telling. Good one.
sleep overpowers passion!
check out my HAPPY DEEPAVALI post
Oh my goodness, Galen. This one hits hard. Such fine writing...that first line - Yikes!!
Mine is HERE.
Oh dear...I've known this to happen. A wise warning. Mine is
I'll be unavailable the next few days due to work. Unfortunately, blogs are banned sites at work.
Now I'm sleepy. lol By the way, thanks for starting this...
Mine's up here
Have a great weekend!
how many know the truth of this 55? those are 55 words that pack a powerful punch.
i played along too. here
Blogger Alice Audrey said...
Whoooohoooo! Perfect!
You can see why here
See, now if he could see past 30 seconds, he could have predicted that.
Edited 7:23pm. I put in the wrong link. Fixed now.
The sad demise of a loveless marriage. What a tragic 55. I didn't write a story, but my human's 55 is here.
Good for her!
Oh, and Romance King just got an email from me too LOL.
I have Friday off, lucky me -- I'll actually be able to visit everyone this week and can't wait. Mine's here.
Have a good weekend!
A sad story, but probably an all too true story in a lot of cases. Definitely makes you think.
Hmmm.....happened to me once! Ah well...Galen my friend,I've missed you all! Stop over if you like.
what do ya mean no plot. I'm posted today just follow this link
Bad Seed
Thanks for your commentys and your interest...
One of these days G-Man is actually going to post Friday 55 on FRIDAY!
Mine is HERE!
This is GOOD!
Here is mine:
Hey, G-Man. I know your lady will never contact the romance king.
I won't be playing this week :-( I'll be out of town for a few days. See you next week.
Wow - is there really a romance guy at AOL??? Don't let that be broadcast
an interesting 55 G
Mine is about a beautiful stalwart Lady
Thanks for hosting each week Mr. know it all
agh - yes - the anniversary passion is an important kind of passion...
my 55 is here
Thirty SECONDS ago?
Ohhh. The poor, poor lady.
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine's here. :)
I'm going "awww" in one breath and then I can't help it, but the kissing on the lips (never mind the 30 seconds ago) totally cracked me up! Awesome 55, G-Man!
Mine is HERE
So many ppl can relate to this...
A "provocative 55er of an economy of words, has a sophoclean irony that we all know what can happen --- when passion dies, it is the 'dull' days that make me weep.
Mine will be up tomorrow,
nice write, Galen wishing you a passionate month.
Ahh, what every married couple fears...and all too often, we never think it's happening to us until it's too late. Great 55!
I got a little carried away tonite so I have three versions on the same theme here: http://thehalfwaypoint.net/2010/11/three-takes-on-change/
Thanks so much for keeping this going, G-man! So much fun...
A definite romance ;-)
You'll find mine here.
Hi G-daddy...a lot of people in a whole lot of bedrooms around the planet could tell this tale. :)
My 55 is up and waiting on ya! Have a wonderful weekend my favorite G-daddy in the whole wide world.
My 55 is on Passionate Fiction for anyone looking for it. :))
YEA! no more sad ghost ladies! glad yours took her world by the balls!
couldnt sleep so great ideas wander thru a weary mind!
It's such a shame that this really happens in real life. :(
Yeah, I think that's exactly how it happens. Sad, very sad.
Flash 55 - The Great American Novel
A good dose of passion makes for a great sleep!! Gotta work at keeping the fire lit & the passion alive!!
Mine's up. :-)
Mine is a mixture of Talon fog and G-man coffee. Have a punt butt weekend!
BIG *Sigh * ! the romance thing gets
mine too at times -I don't roll over-
This is hilarious! Love this one, G-Man!
Mine's up!
he said punt butt...hehe
So sad, yet happens to often.
Mine's here...on a lighter note.
Roses to Rainbows
...and who can blame her? :)
Where do babies come from?
Oh man.....
Hi Gman, I miss you.
Dangerous but true G-man! It's important to listen to what someone is "really" saying.....mine is up and have a great weekend!
Slipped a cog and missed a week... but couldn't pass up reading yours.
G-Man, there's about 85 layers in these 55 words of yours. Hot damn. There's not much fun in their dys-fun-ction; but then, that's the story of a large part of the population.
But romanceking? Accckkkk. Hubbie better check her for roaches and crabs upon her return.
G-Man, I bring you a tale of woe today. Happy Friday!
P.S. your 55 is a sad state of affairs that is all too common I am afraid.
AH the "P" word...and I don't mean piss off...It is like the quest for the Holy Grail to some. Loved this 55. OK, now I have to put on my "P" cap and get busy...don't worry I'll make the deadline G!
She'll probably turn up and find out it's her husband!
Mine's up.
This a a good 55. Nice twist.
Here is mine.
Whoop! There it is!
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
I want a romance king can you send him to me? Great 55 and yes I know G I am late again but here I am and its up.
Damnit, Galen, how rude, you'd better stop writing about me, I mean it this time! Ha!
great 55,
mine is up for what it's worth (ugh)
Thanks for being the host with the most,
Fab Di
I can tell you that if any man, knowing I wasn't happy, "climbed off" and fell asleep, that would be the last time he was in bed with me.
You hit it, Buddy! Good one.
That where shit happens we change or never have the same definition of passion.
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