Tuesday, September 14, 2010

One Shot Wednesday....



It seems to me that it's easy to glorify the beautiful things in life with poetry or prose. A firey sunset, majestic mountains, a country road.....Love! But if we stop and appreciate ALL the little things on Earth, we just might surprise ourselves.
Take the above picture for example. I'm going to attempt to honor this useful little eyesore, using THREE different poetic forms....Enjoy!

Bastion of Relief
Protector of the Environment
Green God of Urinary Expulsion
Whether you are...
Gathering dust in a Construction Zone
The destination of long squirming lines of people at a Concert
Or tucked away in some remote corner of a County Park
You are unfailing in your duty
The Dichotomy
People Hate to smell you
People Love to see you
But always making them leave with a Smile
You are a true....Portal of Pleasure!!


Vile destination
Odiferous cube of Stench
Where is your paper?


You unbuckle your pants in a rush
The seat needs to be cleaned with a brush
Theres always piss on the floor
And a crack in the door
But you can "Pinch One" without having to flush!!


If you have a story, poetry, or prose that you would like to share, please visit the Very Talented crew over at One Stop Poetry. They host One Shot Wednesday, and you can find it ... here.
Thanks for stopping by....


Brian Miller said...

haha. have i told you recntly how brilliant you are...you make porta potties beautiful gman! the limerick tickled me...wonderful oneshot!

Anonymous said...

These are anything but shitty. LOL. BWAHAHA pinch
a loaf. AWESOME

Brian Miller said...

sorry had to run to the portal of pleasure before i came back to say yahtzee!

Me said...

Where to begin? Genius, sheer genius.

Love it, Galen. Love. It.

moondustwriter said...

This the second poem that has had me on the floor tonight. But in this case I better stay off the floor - yuck

Moon smiles

RNSANE said...

Your talent knows no bounds, Galen. I am impressed, beyond belief!!

Serena said...

Odes to a Porta-Potty? LOL. Although, they do come in handy in a pinch, don't they?:)

Serena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lime said...

oh em gee...

love Love LOVE the haiku!

absolutely hilarious.

SuziCate said...

pure genious....really who could have written such heart felt words to the glorious port a potty!?! love it!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha Awesome!

dustus said...

That haiku kills me. rofl I'll never look at a PortoJohn the same way again. You display scatological humor through poetic forms. Creative and cool, G

Glynn said...

An ode - a hhaiku -- and a limerick -- inspired by a Port-o-john. Smiles, laughter -- and a nod for the creativity of it all.

KB said...

LOL, pass the toilet paper :)

Akelamalu said...

LOL the limerick made me chuckle G. :)

Dulçe ♥ said...

LOL and more ha ha haaaaa
This is so gooooood a tribute to a mundane thing, so important though!
Wise and cute
Great -Man You!!!

the walking man said...

Poetry about a portable shitter doth not shitty poetry make.

gautami tripathy said...

Potty poetry. Now that is some thought. Loved all three! I might even attempt a few. Do you think it is befitting for a lady?


nowhere island

Scott M. Frey said...

lol excellent stuff, only wish I wasn't sitting here eating my morning cereal as I read these lol

Maude Lynn said...

Oh, G-Man! I am truly moved.

Unknown said...

G...you made me "feel" for the porto.. over-abused, and under-appreciated!!

Your haiku almost killed me!!
Uggghhh... ;-)

Imagination has no limits..truly!! :)

My one shot's here...

TALON said...

Okay, the poem had me laughing out loud, but I doubled over with the haiku! G-Man you are so right - we should honor those everyday items we take for granted. Next time I'm in one of those port-a-pottys I am going to recite your haiku loud and proud!(Oh, and that's why women always carry tissues - lol)

PattiKen said...

You are just too much, Galen. Truly, a poet of great talent. Bwah-ha-ha-ha!

Ben Langhinrichs said...

Wonderful! The ode is my favorite, but all three are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

Shashidhar Sharma said...

All styles beautiful but specially loved the Haiku as its my favorite form... Liked it.
ॐ नमः शिवाय
Om Namah Shivaya

Nessa said...

You are the poet laureate of the blogoshere.

Bubba said...

I busted out laughing at your haiku, G-Man! You're obviously a connoisseur of the porta-potty.

Vinay Leo R. said...

lol :D witty.. and yes, well written..

burst out in laughter first at the haiku, and then at the limerick :D

nice humor in ur poetry G-man :D

My 1 Shot

Whitesnake said...

Never was one for following the prim and proper.....a Haiku? Something the NZ rugby side does before each game!

clean and crazy said...

only a man would see the beauty in being able to pinch one without having to flush!!

eco friendly too eh

Beachanny said...

This is clever stuff! Well written and well observed. Reading things here makes me realize we do overlook small moments of pleasure, greatness, amusement. You have done what art is meant to do: make us stop and look in a fresh way at something we walk by every day without noticing. Excellent. Thank you, Gay (@beachanny)

Monkey Man said...

I'm with ya, G. Sometimes we need to take our poetry a bit more lightly. I, for one, get tired of pulling serious shit out of my ass. No pun intended...or maybe it was...

Everyday Goddess said...

that's a relief, lol!

joanna said...


Ingenious all three, you put into words that I just cringed thinking about. Now this is why, I don't use these porta potties,,,,lol


Caty said...

I'd say that was a success. thanks for the laugh-these were great :)

secret agent woman said...

I think the haiku is closest to my feeling about it.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

your work tells me that you are born a poet, very unexpected and stunning pieces....

way to go.

Katherine Krige said...

I loved the haiku, but the limerick made me laugh out loud. Beauty oneshot x3!! What a treat. Glad I popped by. :)

Millie said...

Incredible talent here. I just don't want to know about your inspiration!

Mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com

ninotaziz said...

Way to go, G-Man!

Marshy said...

wow g-man..you honour us...three poems for one shot....the poet in me loved the first....the realist in me felt the second...and the humour in me loved the third....excellent share..cheers pete

Wild Rose said...

Okay now i have seen it all poetry for porta potties great G-Man.. :)

steveroni said...

Truly talented you are G-Man--in your genre--as so few...or maybe none other. A pleasure to follow you--even right into the port-a-potty

WAIT! I didn't mean T H A T !!!!

Pratibha said...

i enjoyed the haiku the best !!

Fireblossom said...

Mercy. Only you, G Man, only you.

That haiku is hilarious.