I Sense Your Presence....
When I SMELL Lavender.
FEEL a warm gentle Rain.
SEE a Romantic Moon.
HEAR a Lover's refrain.
But my arms are now empty, and the one sense I miss.
My Raison d'Etre...
The TASTE of Your Kiss.
Every Wednesday the crew over at One Stop Poetry,
Hosts a day for people to show their stuff called One Shot Wednesday!
Post any format of poetry or prose on your blog, then visit... Here!
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See Ya Tomorrow...
Good stuff. I sure dont have you pictured as a poet though.
hot stuff G! the taste of your kiss...so sensual...i imagine me wont be the only one swooning....
What a lovely glimpse of your tender side, G.;)
What a sense-ational poem! This is great!
Mine is here. http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/09/07/bling/
A poem for all the senses. This made me go "Awwww!" and I loved it.
This is beautiful G. Mine's up!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Nice use of all the senses. Fun poem. If you get a chance, come on over and read my poem, The Haven, which also uses the senses, but in a quite different (and possibly more senseless) way. Love to know what you think.
Funny, but yesterday when I was cleaning out a "hell hole" in the house I found a little purple silk pillow filled with lavendar and something else nice I can't quite put my finger on. I was ready just to toss it, thinking it would not hold any more scent 2 years down the road. But it's still wonderful!
Smells, tastes we love -- what blessings.
Mr G...this is really nice, but I just do not hear YOU reciting these words...or even WRITING them. But good...GOOD!
I read somewhere that the two scents that turn men on the most are pumpkin (cooking as in pumpkin pies) and lavender. Clearly whomever can bottle these will make a fortune. This is a great sensual piece. Thanks for sharing. Gay (beachanny)
you know whenever the moon is in a poem I smile.
I think the moon from the beginning of time has had that romantic effect on lovers
Nice One Shot
Moon smiles
Great little poem :)
G-Man, you ol' romantic devil you! No wonder the ladies swoon over you. (I'm so jealous!) Nice work!
Very romantic and hot and it reads like a song. Lovely.
Well, well, you old romantic you!
The kisses in old films used to be so chaste didn't they? Tight lips and no tongues! ;)
I felt a swoon coming on, so I grabbed the lavender smelling salts. Mistake.
Nice one.
So you are a romantic as well
Lovely G Man!
ooooh, lavender and a warm gentle rain...how romantic!
very nice Mr. G-Man. i guess maybe you're not as tough as you look. there's a romantic side hiding out...
glad you let him out. this was really sweet.
warm smiles,
All senses are fired up in this poem, G-Man. Great romantic lines. Says so much in few words.
feel, see, hear, smell - still not complete without the taste of her kiss
you seem to be romantic - i wouldn't have thought this - but yeah - nice!
Wow. G-Man taps into his romantic side. Who knew? ;-)
OH MY!!! I just wrote a poem on similar lines... and now I read this!! But I will be posting mine only tomorrow.. will DEFINITELY leave another comment here with a link to my poem once I post it, so you can see what I meant when I said "similar" :)
Loved your poem, G... it's sad, but beautiful! How the senses crave for that love... (sigh)
It's amazing how we thought about this kinda together.... brr...very scary!
well now that's just plain lovely and so full of longing...
wow....i can so understand that...at times i think back and i can see and smell it all but the touch is no longer there...great poem..cheers pete
got another Awww... from me G.
nice, sweet poem
There's noting quite like a wonderful kiss.
My favorite kind of mixture lavender, warm rain and the taste lingering after his kiss.
You are heating up the blog waves, my blog friend, KEEP writing.
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