Ha! Mr. Sasquatch was Right!
Trim the hair. Take a bath.
Wear some frumpy human clothes with a hat.
And you can go anywhere in broad daylight.
Susan over at Stony River.....Here!
Hosts a weekly writing challenge called, Micro-Fiction Monday.
She posts a weekly picture of her choice...
YOU provide the caption in 140 characters or less.
Try It.....You'll Like it!
She took this pic herself in Washington this Summer.
Carry On, and have a Kick Ass Week....G
I'm going to yell "Yahtzee!" before the hat wearing human gets ahold of your hide. :)
ROFLMAO. Only you. This is just a riot. I call my SIL Sasquatch. LOL. Excellent. Happy Monday.
Ah, "frumpy" - that was the word I was looking for as I looked at this picture. But God loves her unconditionally, frumpy or not. :)
Nothing like a disguise to get you through.
bwahahaha. you always have a hilarious spin on these things. you rock.
Now this was good, I am still smiling and chuckling. Wonderful Microfiction.
cracked me up!
you are a witty clever guy
and in so few words
Trim hair
Take bath
Ummmm, Kemosabi, I'm OUTTA HERE!
Good take on it. I forgot it was Monday coming up...Oh well. Even after your 'heads-up'. Thanks
how do you think i got here? smiles.
you are great with suggestions aren't you.
Goodness the laughs are out in force gotta see what Thom has up his sleeve.
I got a whole different take on this lady - I guess cuz I dint see the whisps of long hair tucked in the hat.
have a great G-man week
Moon smiles my friend
LOL. I wonder who she is?! Loved it.
Have a great week x
LOL! Funny!
(My first time to do Microfiction and it's FUN!)
Good for a giggle... :)
LOL.. oh I really loved this! :o)
Do you know... I think I've met a few of those! :)
Hey Gman! You take the prize for making me chuckle out loud this morning! Funny piece!
This is hilarious! Loved the use of that word "frumpy"! And to think a Sasquatch gets a role to play in this! Just beautiful!
Master of disguise, he is, what? Very well done!
Aw she's not that bad!! LOL
Good twist! Keep on Keepin' on, with the rock n roll- Yah Hats, if I could stand 'em, only in winter...
I'll reluctantly bathe but I will not shave, the hat though yeah but I need a new one.
Hhmmmmm...sounds like some of the people I know...hahahahaha
Great MM!
Mine is up
Have you a Blessed Week!
My good friend, Leo (That would be Leonardo da Vinci --and, Yes, I AM a fossil.) jotted this in his journal one day: "For the love it bears to fair maidens, the unicorn forgets its ferocity and wildness and laying aside all fear it will go to a seated damsel and sleep in her lap, and thus the hunters take it." Truth be told, he was warning Harry (who would later star in Harry and the Hendersons) to mind his "appearance" Ps and Qs, or Hollywood (and the media) would eat him right up. And, God know's, given Sasquatch's size, there'd be plenty of leftovers! "Be warey of the feeding frenzy, is all I'm saying," added The da Vinch.
I've gotten carried away, again, haven't I? Sorry! It's time to stuff my big foot back into my mouth and let you have back your stage, right? RIGHT.
*exits stage left*
Hilarious! You are too funny...Thanks for the early morning laugh.
Lol that was funny! :D
You crack me up, G-Man!
Lol. Funny. A Fortean Monday. ;)
There is nothing like a good disguise to fend off the time-share touter's..!
Good one! They live among us!!! :O)
I love it!! This was such a funny take on the picture.
So anyone I'd know? My 140 Hope your week goes well
How do you manage to take such a sad looking scene and make it funny? Love it!
Need that Mr. Sasquatch's address
A second comment....I used to be one of those Sasquatch, alien encounter, Loch Ness believers. I used to wander through Florida backwaters looking for strange inhabitants, but never thought to just look for an old lady in a frumpy hat. :)
Frumpy human clothes and a 'sasquatch' can go anywhere!!! LOL.
Good one this week. Cheers!
Definitely true. Baggy, frumpy clothes make the wearer invisible.
Who knew Big foot went around in drag.
True! We've all seen worse at Walmart...
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