Why does that stupid word keep popping into my head?
HOW do I even know what it means?
How did I get into this situation?
Why can't they just leave me alone?
ADJ. 1. KAFKAESQUE-Relating to the writings of Franz Kafka.
2.Often characterized by surreal distortion and a sense of impending danger.
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most surreal host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
I don't get that feeling too much anymore. These days I'm usually in the good things are about to happen mode. Blame it on blogging, and all you awesome buds!!
You will find my humble offering here
Thanks, as always, for hosting!
No Way?! Yahtzee?
Is that a real word? Pic goes well with the 55 G. Have a great weekend my friend :)
My 55 is here.
i feel somewhat more intelligent now...and rather kafkaesque...nice 55 g!
mine is up
55 - eating jello bareback
Well Boo Boo. Isn't Mr. Know-It-All smarter than the average bear! Good one. Mine is up here. Good luck against the Fighting Irish.
I came here not knowing what to expect and that is exactly what I got. Way to kick this baby off, G. My Part III 55 is HERE .
Have never heard of this word before but have sure experienced the feeling attached to the word, especially in the last two weeks.
a matter of perspective.. good one!
my kafkaesque perspective on forever
Is that real? Hmmm nice 55..
This time a fiction and accidentally a poem too..
Part 1. True Love
Part 2. True Love Never Ends
--Someone Is Special--
where did you find that word? i am up too
Hey there G-Man..thanks for your kind words on my post...I wrote a 55 and it made me feel good..Thanks
uber creepy, man! and i love a man with a big...vocabulary.
i played
I've felt that way from time to time.:)
Funny that you would write this...I sometimes get stuck on random words myself.
Never THIS word, of course. That would have been, well, *Kafkaesque*. Or something.
Happy Friday, Galen. I'm playing, too. Mine is HERE.
Funny thing, that word kafkaesque has been ruminating in my (as if!) brain for many ngseyxns. That was 'kafkaesque' for 'weeks', OK?
Confession time again: Mr G, since my last confession, I have once again combined my '55' with next Tuesday's MAGPIE (wish they would not start so far ahead!). I AM sorry, can you feel my pain?
At any rate, my '55-PIE' is HERE
Great post - love the image.
My 55 is here.
Wonder what Kafka would have done with blogging???
G-Thanks for making this moon think for a bit.
Jannie - way to go girl!!!
Moon smiles
and as always thanks for being the host of this motley crew
I learned something new today, thanks G-Man! And isn't there a simpler word for this - like paranoia? (just kidding!)
I had so much fun last week, I had to do it again. And I know this link stuff in comments isn't going to work for me cuz even though Brian was kind enough to tell me how, I know I screwed up, but mine is not here - but there:
oh i don't know the word.. but we've read some books of kafka during my school time…and i have to admit…i don't like him a lot…even he is a must read and whatever…still i like your 55 g-man!
mine's here
Oh G-Man, what did you do to me? You mention Kafka, and I create this.
Read him. Not a fan. Truth be told, that's one writer I'd never have wanted to meet...scary place his brain.
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
It's funny, at first I didn't recognize the word at all, though I've used it many a time. It occurs to me I've heard it before, but haven't read it before.
Mine is here
I never use the word...it's too high falutin' for me. I do, sometimes, have a sense of impending danger, though!
Mine is at:
Good one as always G-Man. where do you get such ideas eh ??
Mine in up too :
You're going through quite a trial there ;-)
Nice one.
You'll find mine here.
Be back tomorrow to read and comment. Can't wait, Thanks g-man. Hope you have a great weekend!
Awwww G-Man...you always give us something to ponder, donchya?
For once, YOU have a kick-ass weekend!
Kafkaesque... eh? Love the word. I'll use it from now on... no matter it does not exist yet!
I will!
It does!
LOve that so kafkaesque picture.
Mine is up.
Hoping you like it and have one of those kick-ass weekends of yours G-Man!
I did one this week!! Surprise!!! LOL
Happy weekend Galen. Oh, and the word....ya, I knew it all along. {NOT!!!} Excellent.
Here's Mine
I have more danger for you HERE
Well, 2012 is fast approaching so it's only natural to feel a bit nervous.
Flash 55 - Indignities
Strangely, Kafkaesque keeps cropping up in things that I'm reading too! Some words just do that to you sometimes. Excellent 55 today.
I'm here. Except I'm not - if you get my meaning.
Reality is for when you think you are alone...Here's my Friday 55. Hope your week goes well
Wow, G-Man! You 55 was so... so... Kafkaesque! (LOL!)
Mine will be ready later - I haven't had my coffee yet!
Well, I just learned something new. Now that word will be stuck in MY head all day!
My humble effort can be found
Its been popping in your head? I have been living it literally , of the late!
My 55ve is up Here
I've never heard the word before but I've certainly had the feeling. ;)
I played this week.
Oh I love new words!
Mine is up - get your coat you are coming for a walk!
Ah,we are on the same wave length this week...danger. :)
But you're fun, as always. Happy weekend! Mine's up.
The little angel standing to your left
has a candle, you are never in danger
when you have them kafkaesque!
does this help find mine ?
great now the word will be popping into my brain...
My 55 is up.
I'm FINALLY finished!
Fall in 55
Oh Galen, you are more like hot sausage than chopped liver, but definitely not Kafkaesque, leave that to Otin.
I'm just staying alive, and maybe commenting on one blog a day, and maybe get 2 comments a posting, ...o-k 3.
HAKAWE, Gman, and thanks for checking, even bloggers get lonely.
I like to learn a new word everyday! Great picture to go with your clever 55. Mine is here.
When I get that feeling in my stomach I LISTEN! 9 times out of 10 it's right on as is your 55! Mine is up and have a rocking weekend!
I only feel surreal when things AREN'T Kafkaesque around here!
Good one, G-Man!
Oh, Galen! When you start talking about "they"... have they measured you for the straight jacket yet? (tee hee)
I wasn't going to play this week, but, alas, who can resist?
A Muse Suffers Indigestion
First time Friday Flasher (hmm...sounds a bit odd). My offering: Perspective
Is it a fiction or reality check?
At least u take it out....
love the image...
Thanks for the fun 55.
Dear G-man:
sorry for being absent last few days.
I was in another part of the world, blocked by a solid wall,
I am glad that I eventually overcome the obstacles and made my way to your place...
hope that you stay cool,
be a charming old you...
my 55
Better late than never! Mine is here.
lol I knew I was in for some shit when I saw your name pop up on my blackberry as having left a comment. it seems I forgot to pop over lol I am only 41 too, ouch!
nice 55, but now I am all paranoid and feeling watched... thanks alot!
I've been looking for a word to describe my mood before my morning coffee...now I've found it! :-D
Mine is up..have a G-reat weekend.
I did one I did one LOL
A Kafka-55, man, now that's class!
I hope that doesn't mean you are turning into a giant cockroach!
Mine is here..http://razzamadazzle.wordpress.com/2010/09/10/friday-flash-55-the-carousel/
Pending doom -- like the feeling I have in the pit of my stomach when I forgot to post for Friday Flash 55.
Was it because I was having too much fun? too many chores? or just not thinking? pick the best choice and that is my excuse and I am sticking with it.
Happy FF 55,
Odd word, great 55er especially for all of us who like word smithing, or the bizarre and unusual.
Ah, Kafka. Some days I know him well.
Galen, mine is up. It's a repeat. I've got the crummy tummy. Can't think. Hopefully, there are a few readers who will not have read it before. D
Holy S--t now I know how to describe my life at present....Kafkaesque.....
surreal and impending danger.
Nice 55 G-Man.
Very late, but not never. Mine is finally up.
It's probably from all those apples, donuts and cider you had the other day! :D My 55 will be up soon...promise!
yeah I have been feeling Kafka-like all week--good one g! Well, didn't want to disappoint you so better late than never as they say-I'm up-have a great weekend !! c
The tunnel seems so Freudian....
I sure understand the "sense of impending doom" lately.
All kinds of stuff is going on in my usually uneventful life.
But, here I am nonetheless, a day late and a couple hundred short.
Rest assured that my 55 was up on time, and it's only my comment here that's late. :)
Here I am.
Visit soon, before I become completely engulfed in the impending doom. Or at least before I wake up.
Going to bed now.
hey sometimes I feel like that .. I'm up and ready for the friday gang
Rock Spray
Thanks for all of your comments and thanks for Visiting also...
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