Large country home.
Stone wall construction.
Open Air Ceiling.
Large wooded lot.
A bit of a fixer-upper, but it is priced to sell!
Hi Everybody...
The Lovely Susan at Stony River hosts yet another Theme Writing Exercise called Micro-Fiction Monday! Each week she posts a picture, and you have to write a caption for it in 140 words or less. This is lots of fun, please visit her...She's very Smart too!
See Ya tomorrow...Peace!
Love your humorous take on the theme..very funny G-Man!
Oh, yes! I love your very funny take for today, too! Thanks for a very big smile and a giggle! Have a great week!
But location is everything ( or so I've heard)
Nice G
have a great week
you can hear the echos
lol! I love fresh air so this might be just the sort of place I should be keeping an eye out for! Bonus, I could photograph birds without leaving the living room :)
"Bit of a fixer-upper". You ever worked as an estate agent? (real estate... one of those US/UK language barriers)
You gave us a good laugh this week.
A bit? Just a bit you say? pffft LOL Great take on the story. Mine is up HERE. Have a great Monday. :)
PS...I wonder if Oliver would be able to convince Lisa to move from Park Square for this? LOL The Price Is Right!!!
A bargain! Loved your take on the picture.
Love the open air ceiling! The temptation of well-placed words!
I say I feel that this advert is a tad inaccurate. Large house? Surely bijou cottage? So I'll put an offer in on that basis. My 140 is here
Kinda looks like my place after my husband starts one of his "projects"...
Nah, that place is nicer. :)
'large country home' - that's a bit of an exaggeration, it's more of a small cottage. Estate agents, eh? (Realtors, you folks across the pond call them, don't you?)
lol. just a bit of work...nicely played g!
Ha ha, that was funny... Any one to buy yet?
Yes I'll buy it, thanks! -however- I already have :
I adore wide open windows and doors
my mossy beds and floors
climbing down from a loft on spiral stairs
share a warm fire and humble fare
(When it is two sets of 2 lines
the counter comes out right!)
I would have posted it as "Antique, aged stonework for sale. Expensive but worth every pound. Will have to move them your self"
We had very similar ideas on this one G-man! LOL
Love the pitch! You MUST be in sales, G - if not, you should be, 'cause you're a natural!
I love the open air ceiling! :-D
Everything has value today...except Man...
Ha! G-Man..I've seen realty ads like that...so funny
buyer beware
Just a note to make you nuts...
Character means everything- letters, spaces, and punctuation...
That's why I use the Design 215 Character counter that Susan suggests....
Glad to meet you and your sense of humor
A "bit" of a fixer upper? Maybe if a garden was what you were trying to buy!
But wouldn't it be so cool to have property that included those old walls?
I'll buty it... When is the auction?
lovely sale in 140.
Happy Monday!
Hilarious! We think alike. Oh, those deceptive real estate guys and gals.
Oh that looks like just about my budget! I'll take it!
I love the ceiling description!
you know this is a joke but i love happening across these sorts of places. love the old stonework.
By 'priced to sell' I hope they're asking ten bucks! LOL
Then again, I always wanted sky lights...
great pic and great story! Whenever I get my home computer up and running I'll have to give this Monday thing a try...;)
G~Man now this was good. I know a couple of places where you'd see this for sale offer.
I still think it's a lovely real estate - for faeries...
I'm gonna give that a try on monday... thanks G-man!
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