All ports were closed!
The entire city was on lock-down in the wake of their little 'Tea Party".
Everyone knew that those red coated bastards were coming, They just didn't know how or when. As the silversmith stared at the Old North Church's steeple, he saw the glow of two lanterns.... He saddled his horse!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell the G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most in need of a vacation host from coast to coast.
Have a Kick Ass Holiday Week-End!!!
Happy Fourth of July!!!!!!!!!!
they are coming by sea g-man!
nice 55...mine is up!
and hope you have a wonderful 4th!
Oooh! Historic. Dramatic. I like it! :)
Mine's up!
nice details by the way..and yahtzee! smiles.
Thanks for sounding the alarm Paul!!!
Thanks G for the history reminder
Bri I was trying to beat U!!!! Drats
Patriotic in 55
Happy Forth y'all!!!
Have a kick July 4 weekend, G-man, you patriotic saint. My 55 is HERE .
I have been having really weird dreams and have gone so far as to document them. This particular one made for a perfect 55. You can find it
I'm Henry the Eighth I am Henry the Eighth I am I am. LOL. Excellent 55. Have a great 4th. Mine is up HERE.
haha moon. mojo must be on vacation...gets me every time...
Ah, tea... best drink of the day...
Here's mine: EXCUSE
How Patriotic of you. :)
Mine will be up first thing in the morning. Happy July 4th to you.
Dad says it was a fancy dress party and they all came as indians.
Galen: And away he went!! Good one.
Mine is up on time! D
One lantern if by land, two if by sea. Great glimpse into history's pages, G-man.
My 55 is A Long Journey
Very patriotic and holiday-appropriate, G-Man!
Here's mine: Horsing Around
Although, in fact, there were about 60 riders doing the warning. Another interesting thing - he never said, "The British are coming" since he and other colonists considered themselves British. He told a guard who stopped that the "regulars" were out. Ah, the myths we are raised on!
What was he to think with three, though? I mean, I'd have hesitated anyway.
Mine is here.
Ooohhh, Boston history! Nice! Feels like home.
My 55 is up here.
They're coming by sea, and it's on fire.
Sorry I'm late G... had a hot date. ;-)
Love it! There are so many great stories in American history. My thanks to Paul Revere and to Longfellow for always being able to remember my nephew's birthday (18th April LOL)
I'm finally getting back into normal, meanwhile, even managed a 55 for you this week.
And Mr G (I mean Silversmith!) on the opposite shore will be...scaredy-cat!
Hey mine is also up HERE
is this about the American civil war that I saw in the movie Gone with the Wind , Galen?
Oh,& Happy Independence Day!
Happy Friday. :)
Have a good weekend!
My Friday 55 is posted right here.
A history lesson today.
You'll find mine here.
Have a great weekend. I couldn't get anything creative out of my mind this week at all.
I got a kick out of the comments almost as much as I enjoyed your 55, lol! Have a great weekend G!!!
I've been a bad girl.. don't have a 55 of my own this week, I sowwwryyy!
Mine is up ye ha Cowboy!
Excellent one for this special occasion. I, too, chose the 4th theme.
Have a great holiday.
A lively setting filled with dramatic tension!
I am joining for the first time this week! Intended to do so a long time ago in the days of Paisley!
Here is mine:
A Blistered Season
yeah the olden days as they are called I remember some and I remember movies about some too . I'm posted also just follow the link.
Thanks For Reading
Hiya G-Man ... History lesson, thank you! Great 55 as always. Mine is up (sorta) Not feeling very creative tonight!!!
There's no need to be so hasty. Lets talk about it. We have a Queen now and perhaps we could give you some seats in Parliament. Mine is here
Much more dashing and romantic than the tanner William Dawes.
Flash 55 - Who Are You?
Well, I learnt something new - 'one by land, two by sea'. Enjoy your 4th July :-)
Been absent for a while from this but my 55 is HERE
Ah an historic 55 this week - well played!
Nice historic 55 !
Good one! thanks-
My ancient 10 year old
has been acting up...
Wonderful, G! One for the history books!
I have a 55 for you too this week. Pop by any time!
I'm feeling nostalgic too! Great 55 and have a super kick _ _ _ weekend! My 55 is up!
I like this 55 thing - maybe I will give it a try next week!
Hi G-Man...!
i didn't write a 55, as usual,
but i just thought of something...
i was born in 1955,
and on monday,
the day after
your beautiful 4th of July holiday,
i will actually BE....55....!!
happy holiday G...
Lana loves you and misses you xo
great 55! Happy 4th of July! Mine is ready at marie-experience-strength-hope.blogspot.com
Great post G-Man. You have me anticipating a rescue.
Mine's Up: Losing Mikey
Happy 4th to you and yours--ride on! And yes mine is up!!
very smart 55.
I posted mine,
almost give up,
but eventually I worked it out.
Hope that you don't dislike it.
Happy July 4th!
I love flash fiction, thanks for hosting!
My 55 is here, however, I mistakenly attribute it to the Monkey Man. Sorry. I fix it in the next post.
Oooh, very atmospheric - nice one for your upcoming 4th July! Hope you have a good one.
Doesn't get any more perfect than that, G-Man!
I've got one up (and, yes, I was out of town).
thank you for the encouragement!
nice historical 55 :)
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