For Lorraine...
A pregnant unmarried woman in 1949 didn't have very many options.
*A shot-gun wedding.
*A back-alley coat hanger Abortion Clinic.
*Go "out of town" for awhile and give the child up for adoption.
*Or you can happily raise him with lots of Love and Pride.
I'm glad she chose the latter!
My Mom's birthday was June 21. She's been gone since 1977...Forever young!
Miss You Lorrie...
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man...
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
She chose the most challenging and at the same time the most rewarding option.
Mine is here.
OK, I have tears in my eyes. What a beautiful tribute to your mom. I love the noir feel of the photo too. Happy Friday!
55 Flash Fiction Friday: DECODE
She did the right thing.
Here's mine: CELEBRITY
Looks like she was a great mother. you too deserved each other and yes, she is so courageous and loving for having chosen you.
Mine is up!
Looks like Brian Miller is taking a vacay...hope I'm not posting his link if he already asked someone else...LOL
55 Flash Fiction Friday: A PROMISE 2 RETURN
Good for your Mom.
My post is a DREAM?
Although the latter had its challenges, it was the best choice, of course. My 55 is posted http://virtualwomanofessence.blogspot.com/2010/06/55-black-gold.html
She was a brave and gutsy gal. Happy B-Day Lorraine - you should be proud of your son!!!
Thanks G for doing this week after week for all of us.
mine is up
I too am glad she chose the latter - otherwise we wouldn't have our G-Man and no "Fabulous Flash Fiction Friday 55s"
P.S. My 55 is up.
Wonderful, G-Man. Truly wonderful.
I'll get mine up in the morning.
Happy birthday to momma g-man. My 55 is HERE .
What a lovely tribute to your mom. And kudos to you for doing it in 55 words when I know you could have written so many more.:)
Awww, g...that was lovely. xo
PS - mine 55 is now up too.
She definitely made the right choice. :)
Thanks for another Friday 55!
Mine is posted right here.
Gee, Mr G--I thought you were much beyond age 61...not to say which direction--grin!!! JUST KIDDING. DO NOT DELETE ME, PLEASE...
Thank God your mother chose correctly, or WHO would run this show for us? Love ya, G-Man!
Mine--yesss I wrote one just now you can find HERE
Definitely the best option.
You'll find mine here.
Hello Gman nice picture of the rasberry 55.. I'm posted this time just follow the link below.
Hello Galen nice to hear from you..
~thanks for reading~
My contribution is up!
what a good choice she made.
Awesome! My heart went out to you - with pride.
Mother ... there is only ONE
Hey I've posted one this week
Happy weekend to you all
that was lovely indeed!
mine's here
I am glad she chose the tougher but more rewarding path. A lovely tribute.
My 55 can be found:
Powerful memories. There was another popular option at the time. Your mother suddenly had a late and unexpected pregnancy and the real mother becomes your sister. The Jack Nicholson solution. Mine is mere demonic possession in this week's 55!
Nicely done...Mama raised her boy well, I see.
I'm FINALLY back to the playground. Mine's up. Happy weekend!
What a woman. It was a gutsy choice back then but I'm glad she made it! My 55 is up and I hope you have an awesome weekend!
i'm glad she made the choice she made too. this 55 makes my heart smile.
My 55 Countdown wouldn't even exist if not for her brave decision those many years ago. Hats off to her!
Read it, felt it.
grateful to your Lorraine for "G-Man"
Mine is up
Yeah, it was a different world...my folks were married, but I was an unexpected surprise...
Trying my comment again, blew the html on the last one, so I deleted it.
Great tribute to your mom, G-man. Heartfelt. My 55 is here.
Cin did one too, but she can't get through to comment here.
Her's is here
Was this about your Mom G-man?
Good on you Lorraine.
I found myself in the same situation in 1970 and it's not easy but it is very satisfying and rewarding.
Lovely tribute to your Mom. x
Be patient Kiddies..The G-man is have a Rockin Day.
I'll get to everyone eventually, I promise...Galen
Good for her and good for us. That was certainly a very brave decision at the time.
Mine is at:
Glad for you, too! Got one for you. Thanks! Have a super weekend!
It sounds like your mom was loving and strong. A real queen!
I'm in.
Always liked the name lorrie. Lost my father the 2nd of july 2008 miss him Tremendously. Thanks for stopping by GMan.
Lovely tribute...you are an amazing person G...we all luvs ya. Mines up!
Hi, Galen:
I really was touched by this one. And the picture. My kind of picture. She took good care of you. Bless her.
Mine is posted. I'm back to my old tricks! D
Dang, Gman
you have quite a sentimental soft spot!
I miss my mom too, it's two and a half years now.
no 55, but thanks for keeping us short and sweet.
fab di
well, I posted...
It is still Friday, right?
Thank you!
I'm very glad for you, too. It's a exrtaordinarily difficult decision and I don't envy the women who have had to struggle through that choice.
you will be happy to know i did not blog for 3 days...lol. thanks for letting me play even when i was not here...hope you had a great weekend g-man. thanks so much for putting this on each week as well. its something i look forward to every friday...
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