Herbie The Milquetoast!!
Never confrontational.
Verbally abused daily by co-workers...
Everybody has a breaking point... Herbie reached his!!
During today's staff meeting, he slowly stood up, pointed his finger..
Rocco...You smell like The Artful Dodger!
Boss...You are Ebenezer Scrooge!!
Bambi...You dress like Mrs. Haversham!
(...Herbie was giving them the Dickens)
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55.
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!!
So during these best of times, and worst of times,
from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!
Ti's gone all sporty on us this week.
As for me, I'm introducing another 55 Flash Fiction innovation: a 55 with a soundtrack!
And... Yahtzee! Woo Hoo! And Haversham too!
haha. i am sure he was tired of feeling like tiny tim...nice 55, g-man...
mine is up!
how did he do that...nice job mojo...i need to learn to read faster...lol.
I enjoyed reading it! You know, in real life, it would be amazing if we could just go there and shout out what we really feel.
Mine is up!
Aye, dis one's a reaaaaaal groaner, mate! Well served, as always.
mine is up,
No need to type, simple click on my name, you will be there.
thanks a lot!
You'e such a card, Gman!
Mine is now up and can be found
and since I'm new to hyperlinking, if that doesn't work just copy and paste this link:
Hi g-man. Vivid situation and dialogue you paint in 55. Enjoyed.
I'd like to be included in Friday Flash 55. My post is at
What the Dickens - G?
I'm up at
(yes one day I will learn the art of linking and you will all clap)
a la Moondustwriter
That was fun. I have had moments at work that I wish went that way.
Playing with the news here.
Have a weekend like no other weekend.
But was it the best of times or the worst of times? Excellent G. Mine's up. Happy Weekend all.
Ha...what a rebel!
Here's mine
(well...it'll be there at 12:05am PDT that is)
This made me groan and laugh at the same time.
Good one. :)
My Friday 55 is all ready, right here.
Clever, clever!
AND very cute.
Thanks for your 55.
Mine is up.
Very smart & entertaining, as always. I enjoy the paths your mind wanders down!!
Mine is up. Happy Friday (a little early...)!! :)
Giving them the Dickens. Top marks, G-man, this was hilarious :)
My 55 is Perceptions Colored
Great Expectations! (E)Stella-r piece!
Here's mine: SALON ISAN
The Dickens... Ah-ha-ha! You clever rascal!
My 55 is up here.
The dickens you say?
Click HERE
I'll have to remember that for my next staff meeting.:)
Oh too punny! ;-)
My 55 will be up at midnight Pacific time. :)
Sooo G-Daddy, Herbie is a classics book worm. Aaaaand would these insults work on kitchen staff? :))
You make Friday's world spin.
my link...raspberry tipped Tequila secrets
Groan indeed. But for some goofy reason I keep coming back for more. My 55 is HERE.
It was a tale of two witties.
Mine will post at 12:01 Pacific time. Here’s my 55
I like a man who knows his classics, and with a sense of humor to boot.
I wish I would've thought of that opening sentence for my novel!
Once again, my friend, you've sucked me in.
WOW.GOOD for you ,Herbie!
Great job, Galen!
Mine is here
I have three 55 to offer.
Hope you like them.
Have you a blessed weekend!
You little Dickens. ;)
Mine is here.
Giving him the Dickens! Ha! What a card!
Thanks for hosting Friday Flash 55. Stop by over at my place if you like...
I've got a feeling that a few folks are gonna give YOU the dickens, G-Man. I've posted a "two-in-one" today, does that cover me for next week?
hmm, he,he,he..Dr. John is smiling at you right now...very cool 55..
i miss his groaners. i got one posted myself this week.
Good for him! :) I have never tried giving anyone the Dickens... ;) Fun 55!! /Jo.
I wrote a 55 poem for this week, about acting, or about life, or maybe a little bit about both...
A great Dickensian feel today :-)
You'll find mine here.
Such action it's now midnight and
Skipping rocks
Thanks for reading and visiting but only if you did.
awesome! mines up too.
Dr. John must be smiling down at you. Mine is up HERE. Have a great Friday :)
I did one (how much lee-way is there with the exact number 55 again?
what? sorry I switched that link a I thought
Great play on words, ummmmm...Herbie, Sock it to 'em!!
Mine's posted HERE Scroll down as always.
Have a super weekend everyone.
ah, g-man, how clever you are!! you actually got a chuckle out of me before the groan came, well done, sir!
my 55 is up and running ;)
I was going to say 'What the Dickens was that?' But you beat me to it. Nicely told!!
Here's one for you: The National
Posted the wrong link. Sigh. Gone for a poem this week based on the Etheree form created about twenty years ago by an Arkansas poet named Etheree Taylor Armstrong It normally consists of ten lines of unmetered and unrhymed verse, the first line having one syllable, each succeeding line adding a syllable. I added an extra row for the word count and the punch line. See what I mean here.
Sorry I had to delete my previous post (again). My previous link would not work so I'm posting a new one, in order to attach one that would work. Sorry about that. Link to my post below should now work.
Cool 55! Way to get them Herbie! I just finished reading Great Expectations, and absolutely looove it. Weird, I was thinking of doing my 55 along the lines of the kindness of Blacksmith Joe. But couldn't for now, maybe next week.
Have a great spring weekend, G-man!
My 55 is up too:
I love this 55 GMan! Made me smile...We have ALL thought about doing this, but very few of us actually do....Because we gotta pay rent lol...
I am participating this week :) Check my 55 out
Mine is up!
Oh very clever m'deario, I like it!
Mine's up. :)
Classic! It's always the quiet ones, G.
I'm up, as promised : )
I'm up
Have a good one.
Laughing...would like to give a few people "the Dickens". I've always wondered what that saying meant.
Mine is up: Friday Flash 55: Wipeout
That Herbie, what a Pip!
ya got me good, gman.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...nice one G-man! Mine's up...c
Everyone has a breaking point!
I'm breakin on down to my 55...;)
A groaner... always wondered what that is-- LOL
Now, you got it Gallen MAn, I did try so hard...Will you have time to come up? after 58 comments?
Hard work is yours today
Thanks for this... always
---- and have one of those *kick ass weekends*of yours!
I'll try too!
Hello and Happy Friday;
Mine is a bit of a tangent as well. Old full moon retro, natural disaster and me; goin' crazy man!
Have a KAW! And thank you again for hosting this fun meme!
Your F55 is great! I'd love to stand up and stream about some of the "stuff" going on in some meeting at some one the people who need a wake-up call! Relief, I betcha!!! Well done my dear!!!!
I posted one that is not well done, rhymes wayyy toooo much but I, personally, like the point. Needed to vent a little and 55 is perfect for that, no?
Pretty daring or having a psychotic break!
Its interesting how the authors of Jacobean and restoration age through the Victorian times half defined their characters by their names. An interesting example is the names of characters used in comedy of manners of the Jacobean age. In Congreve and Sheridan , specially, you will find characters like Millament ( minting millions) Mirabel ( the admirable) Mrs. Marwood ( eating the insides like termite) etc.
That was a nice 55ve to read Mr Haynes, during these Hard Times :)
Hi, You look lovely in lilacs.
we're in.
hi,it's me again, your 55 inspires me, i am in 2x :)
Your 55's usually end with a twist. I guess this one was of the Oliver variety! Mine's up as well at http://chitowngreg.wordpress.com. Have a great weekend.
Pretty funny!
Galen: I didn't get a chance to write a 55er. I do have a post up but it explains that today is our moving day. Good-bye to Florida! D
Hi everybody...
Please be patient with The G-Man today, it's the last day of the month and I am quite busy. Plus I'm going out for a brewski after work so just CHILL, I'll respond to EVERY 55, 110, or 165..hehehehe
I'm happy to chill and enjoy those chilled brewskis. I'm sure you deserve them!!!
I'm sure this would be great if I got the referencs (the only one I got was Scrooge)... I actually wrote my first Flash Fiction today :)
I posted my first 55 today. Love the Dicken's references!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
You tickle my funny bone, somewhere between my block head and my smart ass......
too much fun!
mine is up HERE
We all have our breaking point. Very clever & funny!
I have put my 55 up!
Hope your having a crackin weekend!
I once said to my son when he was very young, "I bet that hurt like the Dickens." He said, "It hurt like TWO Dickens!"
I'm confused. I wrote a 55 word story about AA but where do I post it? Or do you come to my blog?
anyway, here it is:
“Alcohol taught me how to fly … then it took away the sky”.
Those words haunted me because they were so true; but, Alcoholics Anonymous has taught me how to regain the sky and to face life head on.
Sobriety teaches me how to fly and I don’t have to worry that I will crash land.
ha ha ha Turned that one inside out.
That was about time! ;-)
some awards.
Thanks for checking my zero!
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