Thursday, January 21, 2010

Friday Flash 55.....

The red glow of her cigarette pierced the darkness.
As he lay snoring on the bed, she finally decided to end the frustration.
She gathered up her belongings and left a note...

You are handsome, strong, and mild-mannered.
But being faster than a speeding bullet, JUST DOESN'T CUT IT IN THE SACK!!!

If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!


Dr.John said...

They didn't used to pick on Superman like that.
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.

inappropriatesue said...

HA! My husband will love this one. Did I ever tell you my brother named his son Kal-El? I shit you not. Kal-El Tiberius (for James Kirk of course). hehehe
I'm up too right HERE

Susan at Stony River said...


I'm jealous.
And up, right here.

Happy weekend!

inappropriatesue said...

I meant brother-in-law. If I had a brother he's have more sense, LOL.

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Clever there!

Mine's up!!! Hooray!!!

Brian Miller said...

haha. but he is the man of steel, that makes him always ready, right? great 55 gman!

mine is up!

Fandango said...

You humans think too much about sex.
Our 55 is up

Leave a comment on ours and we will leave one on yours. Dragon

Ronda Laveen said...

Oh, I so need to take Flash 55 lessons from you. Apparently Clark isn't so super.

Mine's up.

One Prayer Girl said...


Too funny. Loved this 55. As others have said, very clever.


Ms Hen's said...

This one is a KEEPER..


Betty Ann aka ms hen

Dianne said...

mine is up! but how do I use that little tag...."here" like everyone else?

Mojo said...

Oh that's just SO wrong!

Anybody remember that Stones song Sister Morphine?

Mojo said...

Oh, and since she's working tonight, I'll post Sandy's 55 too.

Ms Hen's said...

Hey G-Man..

Been reading Friday Flash 55 for months on other blogs..

I just did my first..

It was fun... good for the brain too.. lol..

Betty Ann aka Ms Hen

Thanks for starting this.. (hugs)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

lol. hmmmm. wonder how you know this scenerio? Good one. Sarah

smarmoofus said...

hahahhahahahahhaha! I love it!

I'm up!

One Prayer Girl said...

My 55 is up.


Maude Lynn said...

Oh, that's hilarious!

Monkey Man said...

There's a drawback to even being the man of steel. My 55 is HERE.

SandyCarlson said...

This explains the humility...the justified humility.

You made me laugh. Thanks.

clean and crazy said...

that is awesome!! great 55!! mine will be up later

C.M. Jackson said...

who knew? my post is up. c

Serena said...

Well, I guess she told him. Cute Thursday 55, G-Man.;)

KB said...

I am gigglin 'cause my ex is called Clark. No comment!

Maude Lynn said...

Ooops, I forgot. Mine will be up in the morning!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Too funny!

Mine is here.

clean and crazy said...

ok i got mine posted, finally!!!

Janna said...

ROFL! Poor Lois.

I always had a thing for Lex Luthor, myself. :)

My Friday 55 is up too, posted right here.

The neverending battle of child's opiate addiction said...

Too bad he changed into Clark before bedtime! Great 55 as usual. Mine is up.

anthonynorth said...

Nice one. Ah, the death of many a relationship - so I've heard ...
You'll find mine here.

Anonymous said...

OMG...This is just too funny. Guees her ciggy was like kryptonite LOL Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)

Jinksy said...

Does a 55 word piece of doggerel count? If so, I've got one...

Nessa said...

Ever hero has his weakness. Poor Superman. Very funny you.

I'm actually playing this week.

Boy Meets Girl in 55

masterymistery said...

living as i do in Australia, I hope you will take the time difference into account re submission deadlines.

Here's mine: miscarriage of justice

masterymistery at cosmic rapture

Greg said...

Yay flash fiction

Hootin Anni said...

Love this. Guess he's not such a super man afterall!! I kinda figured. You know what they say about men with big capes!!

Mine is a bit of a mystery today. HERE, below my show n tell.

Happy Friday.

the walking man said...

Little Lois knew that Superman has a short refractory time but he didn't want to wear her out.

Batman may be the better choice for her...he never sleeps.

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

Ok, G-Thats freakin' hilarious! Just for that I'll go write one, it may suck compared to this, but I shall endeavor...

By the way, why do women complain so much-if its a problem for you then....KEEP UP!

Jessie said...

thank you for the laugh -- it was much needed.

yes, dear G, my 55 is up...

hope said...

I always wondered if the man of action realized that some times, you just need to take things slow and easy. :) Nice one!

Mine's up. Have a great weekend y'all!

Anonymous said...

What a great giggle! I'll remember that line as I begin the arduous process of dating again after quite a dry spell. Thanks.

I'm up after several weeks of a hiatus:

Friday Flash 55 ~ Fortress

Connie T. said...

This is an excellent 55. You are the master 55 teller.

Mine is here.

JStar said...

Love it man...I know this feeling ALL too well but never had the courage to bruise the ego...but wanted to lol

Doctor FTSE said...

Hello people! I have posted a 55 word story hereabouts.
It is not an original story, but rather a competition. Can you identify the full length novel of which the 55 words constitute a precis?

Lisa said...

I'm speechless. Well, no I'm not. This one is full of new beginnings for the woman. Self-absorbed that she is, and heartless, she will later find she made a mistake. Yikes!! It will be too late. He will have moved on! Hurray for him!! Cleverly-written.

Lou said...

I'd like to judge for myself...:)

Shadow said...

so superman's not perfect????? have a wonderful weekend galen!

Lisa said...

Another great 55. I tell you, there some extraordinarily great 55s out there.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! She shot him down. It's all in how you pull the trigger.

Great one G-Man!

Mine is up:Shadow Journey

Head Cookie said...

LOL great 55 G you are so witty. I love it. Hey my 55 is up and I hope you have a fantastic Friday.

g-man said...

Hi Everybody...
Please bear with ole G-Man today, Big Big Sale tomorrow, and we are in preparation today.
I promise ALL entries will be addressed by Midnight!
You'ze Guyz ROCK!!!!

secret agent woman said...

I can't quite buy Superman dating a smoker. He seems to wholesome.

LA Nickers said...

She's baa-aaa-aaa-ack!

(Duck, and cover.)

A VALENTINE’S VITRIOLOGY - On the Underestimated Consequences of Valentine’s Day

Lulda Casadaga said...

Ah, some men are just not SUPER! Except for you G...don't work too hard! I'm up in a few. :)

lime said...

being a man of steel who is more powerful than a locomotive could be good though. but yeah that speeding bullet, not so much.

Peter Stone said...

Poor Superman, but you sure had me chuckling!

I thought I'd give it a go tooHERE

Larry said...

%%$%& Finally I got home just in time to make the Flash 55 sorry I'm so late. But I'm up and posted you'll find it following the link below.

Woman Called Rose

PS the Pratsie said...

tried after a long time :

Unspoken said...

Oh dear, and here it is my very first visit!

S said...

OK LOL That was hilarious!

PS the Pratsie said...

haha !!! read it so late but glad i atleast read it :D