
I know what your thinking...Not another radio!!
Trust me, I haven't scratched the surface of showing you all my old radios.
This is a 1947 Zenith Holiday. The 2nd pic is an E-Bay pic. To keep old radios sounding great, one has to occassionally replace a tube or so...I can do that! The bottom pic is MY Zenith Holiday. Of course it sounds GREAT!
Of course I'll NEVER sell it.
There is a reason though that I'm showing old radios today....
You'll know why on Friday...hehehehe
Oh, it's a radio. I thought it was a heater 'til you said it was a radio. You're not going to try to photograph 55 radios Friday, are you?:-)
Roll on Friday!
i bet you own 55 radios, dont you?
OK ladies...Have your fun now.
There's a method to my madness..:-)
your house must have the biggest storage space for all your gadgets...
I thought it was a fan of some sort that had 55 speeds :) LOL
...and the band plays on...even in a vacuum tube.
Of course we know that you will never sell it. Otherwise what will happen about the Galen Museum of which my mummy is going to be a part of!
I like the art deco look of that radio. Pretty cool.
the radio has a really cool look...nice tease for friday as well...lol.
Is the radio 55 years old????
Thanks for the reminder. x
Bakelite composite... one of the earlier forms of plastic...
i thought maybe it was some kind of camera...lol
interesting little fun fact there, can hardly wait for your 55...
i sure hope you have lots of closets!
Thanks for the birthday greetings, Gman!
Just don't try to get one of those through airport security! They look suspicious..
love the zenith's! i have four or five (including the one you show)...and tubes - sheesh..shame we live so far apart - we could compare! lol
I love old radios too...I have a few but not 55! :)
This radio looks like a purse.
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