Thursday, December 31, 2009

Friday Flash 55.....

The King of Pop sang Billie Jean
Billy Mays pitched Oxi-Clean!
Les Paul, Maude, Dom Deluise
David Carradine applied lethel squeeze!
Farrah's hair drove boys crazy
Karl Malden...Patrick Swayze!
Natasha Richardson, "Uncle Ted"
And Johnny was finally joined by Ed!
Marilyn Chambers sure loved jizz
We'll miss Walter's..."And thats the way it is"!

Of course there are many more, but I only have 55 words to work with.
It sure was a tough year!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass New Year!!

Drive Carefully...Drink Responsibly.
Thank You one and all for your love, loyalty, and support!
Galen..AKA The G-Man


inappropriatesue said...

I'm up!

Come Make useless resolutions with me :P

inappropriatesue said...

Oh yeah, Yahtzee! I'm first, well, now I'm second.

KB said...

A beautiful tribute. Happy New Year G. MIne's up :)

inappropriatesue said...

In my happiness at being first I forgot to really comment. This was really creative. Love the David Carradine line. Wish I'd thought of this! Happy Friday! And Happy New Year G-Man!

Anonymous said...

What? Are you telling me all these people died this year? Criminy. I never even noticed.

Mine is here.

Brian Miller said...

nice tribute 55...definitely a tough year in the public eye...

happy new year gman!

mine is up!

Mojo said...

I didn't even recognize Marilyn. The Ivory Snow girl... Wow.

I'm up myself, live from the beach: 55 Flash Fiction Friday #59: The Invitation

Enchanted Oak said...

Hi, Galen,
My 55 is up at 1 a.m. Pacific time. I still haven't found out how to post the link here when the piece is only scheduled, not actually up yet.
Does this work?

Dianne said...

HAKAWE, G-Man, and New Year,
thank YOU for your support of an aspiring writer and blog-virgin, turned blog-addict (there are worse things I'm sure) like, changing my pen-name from Dianne Gross-Giese to I DiGress
Ha!(I will post a 55 fiction tomorrow, New Year's Day if I can find my muse, hint hint)
The Fabulous Dianne

Serena said...

It certainly was a year of losses, and you did it great justice in only 55 words. Happy New Year, G-Man.:)

Cazzie!!! said...

Galen, I seincerely wish you and yours a healthy and fab New Year :)

Corve DaCosta said...

Miss MJ

Maude Lynn said...

The Marilyn Chambers line was positively poetic!

Happy New Year, G-Man!

Larry said...

Jeepers I can't believe as late as it is theres only thirteen peeps ahead of me. hhmmmmm must be new years eve EH ? I'm up and ready uhhhm er ew well posted that is.

Two Lovers

Happy New Year everybody

Lynn said...

It was a tough year. but we persevere. Happy New Year, Galen!

Anonymous said...

We lost some great ones this year. Well done and wonderful tribute. Mine is up HERE.
Hau’oli Makahiki Hou and all the best to you and your family in 2010. I'm so glad to have gotten to know you through your blog and look forward to a great year ahead :)

anthonynorth said...

A great tribute. I suppose Les Paul had most effect on me. I could never afford a real one but I walked on many a local stage with my copy and tried to make those strings sing.

You'll find mine here.

Eaton Bennett aka Berenice Albrecht said...

Have a wonderful New Year, Galen. Looking forward to a whole year of 55's yours, mine and everyone's.

And you did good with those 55 lil 'ol words.

Shadow said...

happy new year to you! and what a great year in review. you did it quite perfectly.

Akelamalu said...

You did a great tribute with only 55 words G-man!

Happy New Year to you m'deario.

Mine's up. :)

the walking man said...

At least you did it with rhythm and harmony and no another insidious list like a newscast.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Ah, old year ends...

Thankfully I woke up to a new day in 2010

My meager offering is posted :)

the walking man said...

Oh yeah I meant to ask; what is jizz?

hope said...

Happy New Year to you! Very nice tribute...I think I'll miss Uncle Walter the most. I fear he took journalistic integrity with him.

Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

very well done!

Maude Lynn said...

Mine is up!

Happy New Year!

Lou said...

Happy New Year, G, let's sell some American cars!

Love, Lou

Mike said...

I saw Marilyn Chambers picture and remembered her on that box of ivory snow!!

Happy 2010!

Anonymous said...

Nice job, Galen. This is such a creative way to honor them and I'm impressed that you fit so many in such a short space.

My 55 is up

Nikki (Sarah) said...

reading this...reminds me how fallible we all are. Thanks G-man. Mine's up. Have a great year. Sarah

javajazz said...

man, you poet baby!
is there a book in the works perhaps?
you could entitle it
"G-Man 55, and All That Jizz..."

ps, WaMa,
the word "jizz"
is Galen's earthy term
for ejaculate,
for want of a less classier word,
tho he probably can do a 55
(i think he did already)
on 55 versions of
that magnificent liquid...

pps Happy New Year
Mr. Knowitall...
Lana loves you! xoxo

tony said...

Dead Good!

Unknown said...

omg..I almost spit out Yeah, that's the

I'm up too..

Namaste and Happy New Year

Darla M Sands said...


Evalinn said...

Happy New Year G-man, mine is finally up now! :-)

lime said...

very nicely done even if you only had 55 words in which to do it. clever, rhythmic, and quite a tribute to some of the folks we lost this year.

wishing you the very best this new year, my friend.

Janna said...

Here I am, better late than never. My post has been up since last night but I just now am getting around to commenting on everyone's blogs.

Sorry for the delay.

Did I mention I slept in until 3:30 in the afternoon?


Oh... yeah.
My post is right here.

One Prayer Girl said...

Life is short. You remind me that it's important to enjoy every moment.

My 55 is going up in a few moments.

Happy New Year.

snowelf said...

Perfect barrage, G-man!! :)

Here's to 2010!!


Lisa said...

Creative tribute.

Happy New Year!

My silly 55 is posted.

Donnetta said...

Hi, Galen! Happy New Year to you! Yes, it was a tough year. We lost so many who were part of our memories, our lives. Nice tribute there.

My 55er is up. It's interactive. I haven't been getting around much this year (blogging) so I don't have many readers right now. But if someone stops by, they can throw their 2 cents into the story! D

forever lost said...

hey g! woke up cause hubby's cpap mask is blown me! and then he just looks so damn wierd in it I couldnt go back to sleep!
What a great 55! and yes what a year huh? thanks for the shout out! hope to be back in "blog attitude" next week!
happy new year wild man!

buffalodick said...

Very well- done! Although I think it was Farrah's nipples...

Lulda Casadaga said...

Too damn funny g! I am always amazed at watching the death list on the news at the end of the year...Never fails I always hear myself say "I didn't know he/she died"! :(

P.s. Love the MC jizz line! LOL
Sorry didn't make the 55 this Friday because I'm going out of town for some R&R before I hit the crazy house on Monday!! Enjoy the rest of the holiday...

Anonymous said...

hahahaha Awesome 55! Susan told me I had to check it out. :-)