Hi Everybody...
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving...I Did!
I'll spare you all the obligatory T-Day Feast Pics......Your Welcome.
I have a brother thats retired from the U.S. Military. He lives in a town about 135 miles North of here called Oscoda. He is currently laid off from his job there, and his son lives with me while he is attending trade school.
Now don't get me wrong, I love my brother, but he is slowly turning into this anti-social, angry little right wing hermit, and it is driving me nuts!!!
While he is here he never leaves MY couch.
MY channel remote is glued to his hand.
I know he misses his son, but he also has their dog 'Eddie' with them. That alone messes with my pets daily dynamics...Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
When I leave for work, he is on the couch! When I return from wherever, he is on the couch! To top it all off he has had a nagging cough, and now my throut tickles.
My Sundays are very precious to me. In most cases it's my only day off all week.
He is STILL here!!!
I'm getting ready to go out this afternoon, and I'm not saying a word when I leave! I'm gonna find a friendly unoccupied bar stool, sip on a Diet Pepsi, and watch a couple of football games. I'll be texting Reese regularly to see if El Sluggo has left yet....Thanks for listening.
Can't you just tell him to go? It must be so frustrating for you. :(
family boundaries are so tough. i am so sorry i missed flash friday!! oh my gosh i have been so busy. i don't know where my wayward brother is. he never called anyone this year and he asked my older sis to crash with her last week but she grew a set and said no. we know a couple of days means it will take the cops to get him out, eventually!!
i had a wonderful thanksgiving though i am glad you did too, enjoy your games!!
lol. i only laugh from experience...hope you enjoy the games and the tickle washes away on a river of diet pepsi...it may be time to have a family talk when you get home...
You know I've always believed that visiting family and friends after a while begins to stink like old fish. And this just reaffirms that. Ummm i always leave the toilet seat up as well YIKES!!! It might be hard but I think ya need to tell him exactly what you just told us by this post. :) Be strong my friend. And have Diet Pepsi in hand as you talk to him :)
Families!!!! Yikes!!!!
My personal opinion is that most families are nuts. Good luck.
Didn't Benjamin Franklin say that after three days visitors and fish begin to stink? Hope the pepsi makes it all better.
I hear ya, Galen. I do not like people treading on my me time. It makes me a cranky Snowelf.
Enjoy your time away--I just hate that it isn't on your own couch! :(
I hear you! My husband's parents were coming from Florida, but canceled at the last minute. I breathed a huge sigh of relief. They are couch people, AND they never stop talking. Seriously, his mom evens follows you into the bathroom.
Ugg, hope he is gone by now.
Hey...I say have a few shots of tequila at the bar, and come home and throw the El Sluggo off the couch! Liquid courage always worked for me! Hugs to you :o)
That's family all right! ROFL Thanks for making the rest of us feel better about our own!
Good luck with getting your couch back, and your toilet seat down.
I take it your brother doesn't read this blog?
My mother has a former husband who is just like this. Why she lets the man in her house I'll never understand.
This is a tough one, Galen. But perhaps he just needs some directional guidance and a pep talk? He's probably feeling very lost and disconnected. And in your home, he's found love, safety and acceptance.
If there's anything he's ever really enjoyed doing, now might be the time for him to rediscover it - with your help. Good luck!
Poor baby! I hope you get your couch and your remote back SOON. And if you catch his nagging cough, send him your doctor bill. Ain't family wonderful?:)
What's wrong with telling him to go home? I don't get it.jeNN
9:30 Sunday Night...He finally leaves. He was watching his favorite TV show...MONK! There was a marathon on USA today. That show is very irritating for me to watch!
The only reason that I didn't say anything is that his son loves and misses him, and I didn't want to hurt my nephews feelings.
But why he left tonight for a 2 1/2 hr drive when he could have left in the morning, baffles me...
ooo gosh, i too know a family member like this, 'nough said.
Wow - glad he is gone. You need to put scratchy sheets on the guest bed or something. :)
i kinda know
what that feels like.
i guess in the long run
it was good of you
to take the high road
and not say anything,
and kind of you
to consider
your nephew's feelings...
still, i would have liked
to see pictures
of your thanksgiving dinner...
xo lana
He touched your remote?
i think you need to remind him that he needs to abide by "your" rules if he's going to live under "your" roof!!! lol
smiles and good luck!
The only people that are welcome to stay here long term would be my sons...and they spent years trying to get out on their own!
Well I'm glad he's gone because I waz gettin pissed just reading about the slow poke. Ain't nothing worse than a person staying until they dunn wore out there welcome. I know family is close and all of that but sometimes ya just have to bite the bullet and tell em ta split. I have a note on my door that says welcome to my humble abode but stayin here aint happening got it!!!!!! Ya wanna borrow it? Galin I'll send it air mail
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