Struggling to breathe...
He was a prisoner to Misery and Lonliness.
While the outside world raced toward the pursuit of Their American Dream, He was idling at a standstill, and slowly running out of gas!
But happiness will soon become a reality, because he made up his mind to Escape!
...To the open arms of LOVE!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man.
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
How romantic.
I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.
Sometimes we dragons have trouble putting the picture with the story.
We are slow dragons
Our 55 is up
Is there a sequel? WHO is it?
Mine's up too.
that was awesome...i escaped about 5 years ago...
mine is up!
What's gotten into you Galen? This is a departure from the last several weeks. I like it!
I'm up too.
Friday Flash 55 ~ The Boy on The Metro
Interesting choice of topic this week, G-man... *ponders*
I'm up!
That was great and what a fantastic picture. I'll be up at midnight. Happy early Friday :)
Awww! I love happy endings to a good 55! Have a great weekend!
Mine's up too :o)
Aw, you mean he went to the shelter and adopted a new pet! ;-)
The poor guy in the picture looks at his wit's end. Thank goodness he made the decision he did! Very nice little 55 tale of light at the end of the tunnel, G.:)
wow, the G-Man speaks of love.
Did he find a new motorcycle? :P
I posted mine already :)
I did another one and then lost my little link code that I had saved! so I am at:
I have been doing these on my #2 blog, so if you go through my profile, you might get the wrong one.
I enjoyed yours, by the way!
Now this 55 is "what I'm talking about".
Love it - big time. :)
My 55 is up.
Awww, you appeal to the Romance writer in me this week. :)
Sorry no 55 this week. I liked your manwhich 55 almost more than this. It's a tough call. Have a kick ass weekend Mr G! jeNN
An interesting departure from your usual themes! :)
For some reason I like the fact that Misery and Loneliness are both capitalized.
Mine is posted here.
Have a good weekend.
Once again I posted mine early but forgot to link up... DOH!
Mine it here. Now off to see New Moon
OUCH! I just gave myself a kick-ass weekend!
I'll never tire of reading about LOVE, Mr G-Man.
My 55 is alive, and UP!
Very touching G-man. My 55 is HERE.
Paul accepted the job offer. His parents had been on him for almost three months. He met with Jim Stallings, owner of the Kingfisher, a charter boat out of channel Islands Harbor. Paul knew his parents would hate the job title, but at least he'd be making good money as the masterbaiter of the kingfisher.
I'm up too you'll find the link down below.
Now who's the romantic? Nice Galen, very nice! Interesting thought, someone escaping to the open arms of love.
I haven't done a 55 yet, had sick teenage girls this last week and a half. I hope to get a 55 in by tomorrow, my tomorrow that is. :))
Have a great weekend!
Well you got me on this one. Never saw him escaping to the open arms of love coming! Great romantic 55 to start off the weekend.
Mine is up
I did not know you had such skills with romanticism.
How lovely
Yours are always special 55
Mine is UP
Have a nice weekend!!!!
It is funny how sometimes we pull out the romantic side. Well written. Should we take your temperature to see if you are still okay? hmmm LOL Mine is up HERE. Have a great weekend :)
galen? wow, this is exceptional!!!
Most touching and romantic.
You'll find mine here.
C'mere big guy I got a hug for you.
I'm up!
Come hang out and won't you please come back tomorrow and play Song Saturday :P Happy Friday everyone :)
....but will the escape work? I'm being a bit cynical this morning I guess...let's just hope the open arms of love will be a happily ever after kinda story. It all depends on what the object of love is. Oh ignore me today. I'm a bit foggy still this morning. roflmao
My 55 is Winter's Rime today...scroll below my show n tell to read. Click Here By the way, G-Man, I've been meaning to tell you that I really appreciate this Friday meme, and I TRULY appreciate you always visiting with me and leaving such kindness each Friday!!!
Didn't expect that!
Mine is up.
Well that was certainly romantic. :) No 55 this week. I'm resting up and getting ready to write a good one in the future. :)
Hmmm, is there a story to go with the story? A little escape is a good thing, makes all of lifes BS fade....
I am posted yet again!
And love come so many forms...
Nice one, Galen. Like Susan, I want to read the sequel.
Will it be a "groaner" then?
Here's mine:
woo hoo. Love this one and the pic goes great with it. Sarah
Mine's up.
Hey G-man you are the best for doing this. Tons of fun.
wow. you always surprise me. that's a good thing. very nicely done.
i'm up too.
How very sensitive, G-man! Let me know how that works for ya.
Wow you have a lot of folowers.
I'm now one more. I am new to my blogging and yours. Please visit and let me really know what you think!
I'm Flashing 55 Friday!
Awww....(well that's what the wifey-poo would have said). Real men don't say Awww...
I have your 55 right Here
Been there before. Great 55.
Gee, that looks like the walls in my office: suffocating. ;) I appreciate you ending that one on a high note.
Mine's up. I'll be back to check on the rest of you later. Work calls.
Ah! Love can liberate you! My 55ve word poem is up
Ahhh...so the G-Man does have a softer side ...
My sexy 55 is up and knocking socks off.
okay, mine is up.
Very sweet . . . and even a little provocative, I must say.
Nicely done - and what a photo!
She sits at the cafe
Glass of white wine for fuel
She sits
And snipes
At passers-by
How fat! How ridiculous!
How can his wife put up with him!
I ask if I can join her,
She looks at me, perplexed.
Of course, she says,
I am so very lonely.
Please do. Please will you.
I know that idling, running out of gas feeling. :)
See my 55 here
Aw I like a happy ending! :)
Mine's up.
My first Flash 55 ever.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Aw, romance in the 55 lane. Sweet.
Flash 55 - Favors
Never late to run to the open arms of love..Good one.
Mine is here
Wow! I hope it's a true story. You must be happy with your 55, G-Man. It was MY favorite of yours by far. I liked that part where his life was in idle and running out of gas. Great analogy! Really enjoyed it. I'll get my 55 up next week.
#54 whoa! Continually impressed, Gman at the monster you've created.
Have a lovely weekend! ♥
You're such a romantic.
#56 says, you know, I think some people just find my feet intriguing.
Yes, I know I said I'd do that but...maybe next week I will do a pie themed one, ok?
Jeez.. Now you go all mushy gushy on me... You ride a Harley, for the love of Mike!!!
Hi Galen! Wow. I really do like that picture. Know the feeling too!
Mine is finally up. Heading to the auction. Hope this finds you well. D
Ah, the softer side of the g-man! I like it...ok, I'm really trying over here...I have till midnite don't i? ;)
Doesn't it always take a good woman (or man) to turn everything around? I'm a sucker for a good romance!
It took me all day, but my 55 is posted : )
How lovely. 8-)
mine is up!! what a picture, i am slow like the dragons, i don't think it fit, the picture is more for a friday the 13th post!!
MR G!! that is the greatest 55! ever and I totally love it. May have to copy it and just put it in my "special notes" folder. SOO did YOU find love??? ~;oD
Some how friday got away from me, I had a wonderful dinner date with our daughter...I will do my Saturday 55 LOL..and share ...THANKS for remembering me
check it out
G you are too sweet what a wonderfully romantic 55. Okay now I know I am officially 4 days late but guess what? Mine is up. I hope you have a terrific week and a most fabulous Thanksgiving. Hugs to you.
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