Yesterday late afternoon...
I received an E-Mail from my daughter.
"Hi Daddy, we went to Saltzburg last Week-End. What a beautiful city!
Oh, BTW...Did I mention that it's Fucking OCTOBERFEST?? IN AUSTRIA!!!"
*sniff*....My Little Girl!
(While I'm having a MGD64 on $1.25 Cheap Domestic Night)
Well, she certainly looks like she's having a good time.
Was that a subliminal 55 you slipped into your post, two days early?:)
I saw that picture and I said, "Oh, shit, that looks like Salzburg." I grew up there. My Mom is from there. Your daughter is sooo lucky to be there.
My son's German clas in HS just did an Octoberfest. No beer, though, sicne they are all underage.
What a daughter :) Is it me or is it memorex that the 55 reminder is up on Wednesday. Boy I need to join your daughter and start belting down beers.
she is YOUR daughter for sure! save your pennies so you can join her next year!
She does a daddy proud!!!
here's a tissue.... and is it thursday already??????? yikes!
What is that a 5.55 liter beer there?
Uhhh Secret Agent Woman...if you can reach the bar you can drink beer in Germany. You just were not informed I am betting.
I never could get used to the warmish beer over there. Looks like she likes it though! :)
Wow, Salzburg? What a wonderful city--and what a great time to go!
I'm glad she's having a wonderful time (sure looks like it!)
wow! those are cool pictures!
Isn't every day an Octoberfest over there...I've been to Salzburg...lovely and the beer isn't too bad either! My German cousins can drink me under the table!! And I'm no lightweight. LOL
OK, enough with the hints already..we know...55...55...55...55! ;)
Oh she's having a great time!
Sorry I won't be joining in the 55 tomorrow - I still haven't caught up with myself after our weekend with Queenie!
She sure is enjoying herself. I guess it is / was 5:55 somewhere...
My 55ve is up!
she is just like you !! too cute, by the way my 55 is up early, hope to comment on you all later but i didn't know if i would have another chance to post.
wow great pictures!! she is too cute!
Good lord is that ever a huge beer ~ nearly as big as she is!
Loved the hint, and well taken. My 55 is up a little early, even for me.
Check it out.
What's this 55 obsession? Do you think it will catch on?
I'd rather have her beer! I had the 64 calorie one- seltzer water!
Heck Yeah! It looks a little like Heidelberg but even nicer!!!
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