Thursday, September 17, 2009

Friday Flash 55......

Some are cute, some are ugly.
Some are gamey, some are snuggly.
Some have bushy, shaggy hair.
Some are smooth, and trim and bare!
Some are small, and some are wide.
Some make you want to run and hide...:-)
They are often called man's best friend.
But a woman may pet one...Now and then!!!

Do I make myself clear on this one?
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55...
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most enigmatic host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!


Fandango said...

And some are very tasty as any dragon knows. Cute 55

Ours is posted


G-Man said...

Tasty indeed, depending on the culture.....

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Mine's up!

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Trying again to do it right!

Flash 55 is HERE

Susan at Stony River said...

My goodness! I *do* hope that was about a puppy!?

Well, I waited up for you: it's past 1:30AM you know, on Fridaaaay, and you know where to find me! ROFL

Tall Kay said...

Are you talking about socks or blankets? Hmmm. It's just not clear :o) Happy Friday Mr. G!

Mine is up too.

Friday Flashing

listen for azure said...

Oh, my, there seems to be a dog theme on 55s this Friday.

Now, what will I write....?

myrtle beached whale said...

I let women pet my puppy all the time.

big Jenn said...

Very cute!
Mines up. jeNN

Serena said...

Aww, puppy dogs. Man's AND woman's best friend. And they're ALL cute.:)

One Prayer Girl said...

Very cute 55. Mine is up.


Cindy said...

woot! Love my dog.

LA Nickers said...

Hot dog!

BACKING AWAY – a ghost in daylight

Anonymous said...

I was ignoring the dog in the picture and was thinking dirty with you said some are bushy. :P

My 55 will be up at midnight Pacific time :)

clean and crazy said...

thank god you have the visual so we don't get confused as to what you are referring!! mines up too!!

Monkey Man said...

Living on the edge, eh, g-man. Yes, uh, dogs, yup.

My 55 is HERE.

smarmoofus said...

Oooh! *pet* Cute one, G.

I'm up a bit late... I forgot it was Thursday.

CJ said...

As one who is a sucker for any furry face, I loved your doggie poem this week.

Find my Flash 55 for this week HERE.

Pam said...

hehe you sly little devil w your poem fiilled w innuendos or is that just me getting something totally different out of your 55?? ;0) i'm up.


Kathleen said...

heh heh heh . . . clever!

here's mine:

have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You've gone to the dogs this week. :)

Mine is here.

steveroni said...

Mr G-Man, you are the expert in this. I still fight it. But it's a FUN fight!


--Dog's best friend.

The neverending battle of child's opiate addiction said...

Great 55! Mine is up.

Dulçe ♥ said...

I like that tribute to us women... but 55 words are so few to describe! :) Thank you!
Mine UP now
...Those Dragons always the first...!

anthonynorth said...

I just wasn't sure where that one was going :-)

You'll find mine here.

mrsnesbitt said...

Hi, my first Flash 55! A fun thing to do to get my day started.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Very cute and fab with the accompanying photo. Great 55.

Mine is posted here.

Have a great weekend.

Chef Kar

Anonymous said...

LOL...good one. Mine is up HERE. Have a great Friday :)

the walking man said...

I never pet strangers...

lime said...

lol, well it's not the animal i expected to see in the woman's lap.

i played along this week.

Dr.John said...

Are you saying women are like dogs?
Clever 55.

Mine is posted

Hootin Anni said...

Nothing like a furry creature to pet now and then!! [LOL]

My 55 is posted...Elvis LIVES! Come join me if you can. And as always, scroll down below my Show n Tell Friday.

You'll find it HERE

Maude Lynn said...

My, my, my!

Mine is up!

Lynn said...

Well G-Man - number 1 of the Good Things that happened to me yesterday is my Friday 55. :) Cheers!

Shadow said...

i've got a range of them, and they all love to be petted, more now than then though... good one galen. have a happy happy weekend!

p.s. try to behave *wink*

snowelf said...

You are so cute! Love the 55. :)
Hope you had a great day off yesterday and believe me--I KNOW you cannot make that stuff up!!


buffalodick said...

Who ever heard of a pet beaver?....

Fireblossom said...

My Flash 55 is posted. :-)

Head Cookie said...

LOl oh you are so funny G. I hope you have a rockin weekend. My 55 is up but ummm well its longer than 55 but not by too much lol.

Mine is up everyone

Wait. What? said...

HA!!! This is my favorite! EVER!

hope said...

Mine is up.

That's not a dog, you know, that's a furry rat made popular by air headed celebs. ;)

forever lost said...

kick ass weekend! I love it when you say that! Dogs ... that pretty woman and you write about DOGS LOL!

Find my Flash 55 for this week HERE.

listen for azure said...

Better late than never, right Galen

Enchanted Oak said...

I've posted a Flash 55. Love yours. Love the others I've read.

Akelamalu said...

LOL my (dirty) mind was working overtime there G-man! ;)

Mine's up.

Lulda Casadaga said...

OK, my mind was in the gutter too!
Is that Julia Roberts or a wanna-be? ;) Made us all wake up this Friday hey g?! LOL

Mine is up finally!

JihadGene said...

Good one G-man!!!

brandi said...

Hi G-Man. Mine's posted here:

Connie T. said...

Good one.

I did mine.

Riot Kitty said...

I love yours - posting mine right now.

Donnetta said...

OOOOHHHHH!!!! Good one.

Mine (such as it is) is up! Running a little late, but not too bad. D

Lou said...

I'm baaack, and bearing gifts. Next week I hope to get back in the 55 swing. Yours this week was your finest effort;)

Mariana Soffer said...

I liked the poem, It rhymes really nice, and it has also wisdome, at least to my apreciation. Beings are the way they are, one of the infinite possible varieties of shape, color, texture, ... that it has been given to it in life.
And you love it just like that.
By the way how do I hook on the 55 word poem, can I? What are the rules?

secret agent woman said...

This reminds me I owe you an email. :)