Yep....I'm officially ON VACATION!!!
When my brother Mark was in the Air Force, he got sent to Kuwaite. While he was there his son stayed with me until he returned home.
Kurtice is now 22 years old and all grown up. He has gotten a job doing roof work, and is doing quite well. Does he look tanned?
Tomorrow I'll be taking a little trip South, and I wanted to check the weather.
I think I'll be avoiding Raging storm fronts, Engorged river areas, and Swollen creeks..
Thank Goodness for Dopplar Radar...(He must be thinking about a 55, are you?)
I want those pants!
Where are you going?
That weatherman looks like the map has him excited I'll say. Glad your on vacation and glad your nephew is doing well. :)
yipheeeeeee for VACATIONS!!! enjoy!
I have to believe the weather photo was doctored. Too bizarre.
That young man looks very tanned and fit. LOL at the Doppler dude. Have a great trip!
Dang, that's one heck of a storm. Stay off your small crafts in that puppy!
Funny picture! I hope the people in Pennsylvania have their "raincoats" on....
So is this a picture of you doing your weatherman gig the day before vacation?
LMAO @ the weatherman. that's hilarious. drive safely and enjoy your time off. you've certainly earned it.
were they really silly enough to post that on live tv or did you photo shop the picture? that is too funny, they say weather men don't need to have brains, i guess they were right! i hope you enjoy your vacation!!
i'm going to have to agree with Thom on the dopler dude ...
your nephew looks tanned and has a look like, "huh?" lol
enjoy your vaca!
btw, my 55 is up already. i went with lightening bcs my brain is fried.
They both look like they are thinking about their 55's.
Have a great vay kay. My 55's are already done. I'm prepared to go on my vay kay.
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If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it. ~Toni Morrison
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Have a fabulous vacation!
lol yeah gotta watch out for them engorged streams....... lol
have fun!
Be well, be safe and Godspeed.
I hope you will have a wonderful vacation! Enjoy! :-D
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