Thursday, July 23, 2009

Friday Flash 55...

She was new in town.
Her girl-friend 'set her up' with a singer,
and their first date was to be dinner in a public place.
He dressed stylish, she wore a red scarf, they chit-chatted.
When she lit a cigarette to calm her nerves, she clumsily burned herself...
And fled the restaurant in embarrassment!!


Ha, perhaps she inherited her father's shipfitter blues eh?
If you or anyone you know has posted a Friday Flash 55,
please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!
So from the most gracious host, from coast to coast....
Have a Great Week-End!!!


Pam said...

i'm up uber early hehe great 55 g-man :)


Serena said...

Is it Friday already? Well, nevertheless, you've told another complete tale (and a fairly noir one at that) in only a few words. Good job!:)

One Prayer Girl said...

Funny -

Your 55 is about a first date and a 'set up' date. Liked it.

My 55 is about a blind date and a first kiss.

It's posted.


secret agent woman said...

I'll overlook that fact that it' sonly Thursday. :)

Can you imagine running out on a date? I've had ones I've wanted to flee, but couldn't be that rude.

Mojo said...

I 'pologize for my tardiness this week, but I've been preparing for a long-overdue escape from the rodent race. Including my marathon 55(00). Ya'll have a great weekend...
55 Flash (Semi-)Fiction #53: "What I Did On My Summer Vacation"

Anonymous said...

Like that!!

Here's my 55

KB said...

Nice one G. I'm up.

Anonymous said...

Those rotten blind dates. Better to leave the ciggies at home.

Mine is here.

Susan at Stony River said...

Yay, Fridays!
I like that story of yours--talk about going down in flames (sorry!) LOL

Mine's up right here.

Thanks again, and I hope the kids are having a safe and easy trip!

Devotee said...

A 55 that says dating is a pain ... literally!

I cheated this week. Mine's not fiction, although it is about fiction.

CJ said...

Like your character, I have embarrassed myself on a first date.

My Flash 55 is here:
Just Say "No"

Monkey Man said...

Another good one. I've posted as well. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Who hasn't done something embarrassing on a date? ;-)

I'm back! And mine will go live in about ten minutes. :)

Mona said...

really? she did that!

And her date did not purse her? At least he should have seen to it that she was okay since she was burned!

My 55ve is up too!

anthonynorth said...

Sometimes it just doesn't go right :-)
You'll find my 55 in this post.

Anonymous said...

Ouch...the poor thing. Mine is up HERE. Happy Friday everyone.

Hootin Anni said...

Ha! Why would she run you wonder...If it were me, I'd stay and milk my 'burn' for all it's worth.

Mine is about an encounter with the MIB today. LOL

Happy Friday G-Man, and a wonderful weekend to you.

the walking man said...

I can see this, i would have run out of the restaurant too, if like her, I lit my mustache on fire trying to light a smoke.

G-Man said...

I posted the video to go with the story. It makes more sense if you take the 2:31 to watch the vid..
Just sayin....G

Akelamalu said...

I went on a couple of blind dates and was always afraid of doing something stupid like that! Thankfully I didn't.

I'm not playing this week honey, I'm busy packing for my hols. x

Dr.John said...

See I told her to quit smoking.
Good 55

Mine is posted

Fandango said...

She needs a skin like us dragons then she wouldn't be hurt by a little flame like that.
A good 55

Ours is posted

clean and crazy said...

nice, i once saw a girl try to make sexy eyes at a guy across the room, she tried to take a drink without losing his gaze and got the straw stuck up her nose!!
mine is finally up!!

Lana said...

I did one this week! Have a great weekend allmine is here

hoping this link works

GAB said...

Not a 55 but a post about something I know a little about! And thats very surprising cause thats about all I know of anything. lol. Loved your 55. reminds me a little of the story my parents told me of how they met.

Wait. What? said...


Jessie said...

too funny!!!
mine is up -- please stop by!

Maude Lynn said...

Oh. My. Word.

Mine is up!

Lana said...

jeese,...she over reacted over a cigaret bun...she shoud be glad he wine didn't land in her lap! :-)HA
Good 55!!

Serena said...

All righty then, Mr. G. I played the video. Bananas? Who knows. What I gleaned from the story and the video was that if I were that young lady and had been set up on a blind date with that singer, I'd have run out of the restaurant at first sight -- before it ever got to the desperate point of wrapping the red scarf around my head and setting it on fire.:-)

Head Cookie said...

Hey G great 55 too wierd I posted a song this week too. You can watch the video one post before reading the 55. Have a great weekend.

myrtle beached whale said...

I am back.

lime said...

lol, thanks for the chuckles. guy marks was a bit flouncy, wasn't he?

Donnetta said...

Good one. Mine is up! Best. D

hope said...

Bringing up the rear of the train [computer issues!], mine is finally posted. :)

LA Nickers said...

Cute story.

Here's mine:


listen for azure said...

Am I going to be marked down for being late, teacher?

I love your 55, G-man!

I was only dreaming

CordieB said...

ROFL...that was a very funny 55. Should be a South Western commercial! I'm a smoker, and oh boy, that would be embarassing! Here's my late entry to Friday Flash 55. Hope it's not too late!

Lou said...

Love your quirky (silly?!?) humor.

Evalinn said...

Nice 55 G-man, as always! :-) I´m also up this week.

Lost Mermaid said...

Finally i gave in to the temptation :

Hope you like it :)

buffalodick said...

I only went on one blind date- we've been married 36 years...

S said...

Happy ff friday gman!
Have a great weekend.