The boss had that 'Deer in the Headlights' look as he approached.
"Galen, I know your gonna kill me but...Could you please postpone your vacation for a week? We're swamped and we sure could use your experiance".
'Matt C'Mon, Ive had this planned and approved for weeks'!!
..."We will make it worth your while"..!?
Yeah thats right...Between the wedding, the reception, the departure, and 11+ hr. work days because of this Clunker Frenzy. My well needed R&R was put on hold for about a week. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
If you or anyone you know has posted a Friday Flash 55..
Please come tell The G-Man!!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most FRAZZLED host from coast to coast...
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End!!!
I trust some of you will visit and enjoy the bevy of 55's posted by your fellow contributers...Please?
I'll be very late tomorrow...But I'll not shirk my hosting duties...:-)