Thar she was, the purtiest gal in the Holler.
Bubba has been waiting 13 years for this moment...He's been practicin!
"S'cuse me, did you fart?
Cause you just blew me away".
"Are your parents retarded?
Cuz ya shore are special".
Finally...He approached.
"Maggie...? Yer eyes are as Blue as Windex"!!
( they are Green )
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55, please come tell the G-Man. I will visit, read, enjoy, comment...Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast...
Have a Great Week-End.!!
hahaha! whatdaya call them..Red something....
Galen my 55ve is Up!
Living in South Carolina, I probably know this couple. The mullet is still in vogue here.
LOL! Bubba reminds me of my neighbor, who should be living there in the Bubba Park. I'd say the bride looks kind of like my favorite Skank Girl, except the bride looks way classier. Delightfully humorous 55, dude.:-)
Im a gonna have me uh 55 tuhmurreee too Gman. But Ah aint postin it till midnaght!
That's a might funny 55, y'all.
Nice photo!
...As per your request, Meester G-ster...
...I'm scheduled to go on at midnight.
You do make me giggle G. Nicely done. Mine's up.
that is too true to be funny, but i am still giggling. just got mine posted.
Thet thar's a plum magical yarn, G-man. Mah heart swole up like a bayou bullfrog croakin out his lovesong neath a big fat full moon, jess from readin it.
My 55 for the week is up too.
Hey that's me 'n Kurt c'ept I wan't pregnant. I was holdin' a toddler. LOL ;-)
whew! i'm up and on time lol i'll have to try to catch up w everyone tomorrow. vacation has me all screwed up lol
Like the humour in this one. You'll find mine in this post.
My favourite put down to someone whose annoying me is;
why don't ya get a mullet to go with ya personality.
Galen have you been watching "Redneck Wedding" again. Good God man go for a ride.
You sentimental son of a gun!
(mine is up, and serious as usual..)
That was great and funny.
I'm sure they will live happily ever after, sort of.
Mine 55 is done and up.
Lol, u´re too funny! :-)
I´m playing today again. :-)
Your 55 words and the picture reminded me of a girl I knew when I was in High School.....long, long ago. Some memories are better left in the past.
I posted my 55.
:::snort::: That thar just is a plano hoot!!!
I posted one again, but it's not much. And as always, scroll down or use the link to '55' at the very top of Friday's blog.
Have a great weekend.
I did it. (impish grin)
lol @ "blue as Windex"
But they's good people. Must be to led the Rottweiler stand up as the best man. She's probly the purtiest girl in the whole family.
Sorry I'm so late, Monaji pointed out an inaccuracy in my first edition that took some time to fix. (What would I do without her?)
55 Flash Fiction Friday #43: Chapter 35 - Mein Usko Maraa Hua
Roflmao omg this is too funny thanks for making me laugh I needed that. I hope you have a fantastic weekend and my 55 is up.
I'm still thinkin over here...luv the 55...and, sorry to say, I do know some of these peeps...what can I say, I've been living below the Mason/Dixon line now for many moons! :D
Don't know the couple but the dog looks appetizing.
A nice human 55.
We dragons have done posted.
Mine is up, perhaps I'll try some humor next week.
A marriage made in heaven, they'd spoil another couple! LOL
Good one G-man. :)
Mine's up.
Oh WOW, looks like they might have only just made it to get hitched. That baby doesn't look too far away. :))
my 55I'm going out of town for four days. Taking my lap top so will catch up with everyone's 55's asap.
Too funny!
Love is a many splendored thing . . .
bubba j??? jeff's bubbaj??? done deed.
Galen: You are just terrible! hahaha Definition of red neck. I may have met this couple somewhere in Oklahoma.
Mine is up! D
bubba is such a charmer, how could she possibly resist?
well i went off on a little tangent of my own here's the results:
tuppensand just for the record, bubba and his woman looks like fine folk to me....
LMAO How loverlee :)
Hi G, the 55 yesterday was from hubby. He is late but wanted to post anyway :) Love from Your favourite Twit? Hehe.
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