Oh I got many of these old baby's...
The model at the top is the 1951 GE. Model 422
The white one is the 1954 Zenith Model 1151 w.
They are easily found in my old radio guide book.
Of course they both work beautifully....
I'm going Lap-Top shopping tomorrow, wish me luck!
One of these days space is going to be at a premium and you're going to run out of storage space for your retro collection. Cool stuff, though. Laptop -- yay! Finally!!:)
Very good blogging my friend
You mean no more retro computer? So does this mean you will have SOUND? I hope so. Good luck with the laptop shopping. You should find something useful for not to much money. They are so much cheaper than they used to be.
I knew you were going Lap Top shopping, since you have been Flushing Michigan these days...
Galen I safely called you a Bi**h at my blog! You know what the Question was didn't you?
& those things belong to a baby? ( you said baby's. Now if you had said babies it would have been different...& then Babes would have been even better...)
doe doe doe doe doe Goodnight Sweetheart
Well, it's time to go home
doe doe doe doe doe
Good night Sweetheart well it's time to go home....
'Night Bowser"... :D
from old radios to new laptops. does this mean you'll have a sound card AND a color monitor? how 21st century of you . ;)
Vaccuum tubes in a lap top? Cool radios... remember Tiger ball games on AM band?
Love 'em!
In my mind and in my car, we can't rewind we've gone to far.......
Hi Sherry...
I'm answering this on my new lap top!! YAY!!!!!!..xobgxo
Much obliged, and welcome to the Jungle!!
This is the happiest day of my life *sniff*
It was a joke..Lighten up Francis!
hi Terry...
Old Radio tunes?
I can see clearly now!!!
I sure do, but I loved the Red Wings even more...G
Hi Liquid...
I finally did it...I can't believe it either...:-)
Ghost Dancing...
Thanks for visiting again
Yippee!! I mean, YAY!!! I'm so glad you finally got it. It's been a long time coming.:-)
Next time you make the rounds I posted a post just for you and your new laptop.
Congratulations and if you feel you need to share what it is you bought... share away. Yea.
You have no idea how excited I am that you have a new laptop. :-)
Great Raidoes (did I pluralize that correctly?) And congrats on the lap top. now you can blog form the comfort of the bathroom.... ah freedom
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