Hi everybody!!!! I hope you had a wonderful week-end.
I sure did!!
Last night was our graduating class's 40th Reunion.
I wasn't going to go, but on Friday night there was a Pre-Reunion get together and I had such a great time that I decided to attend Saturday night as well.
WOW!!!! Am I glad I went....What an awesome time!!!
One thing about reunions is, the years have been GREAT to some class-mates, but very rough on others. Also you can't lament about how successful some people are, and gloat about the plight of the ones who have had a harder time.
The bald guy in the picture beneath me is Don Dicker.
Don and I were great friends all through Jr. High and High School. We were the 2 smartest Under-Achievers in school. I went to college, he sold cars. In the 70's he moved to California, became a huge car dealer, and eventually sold 5 stores including an Audi, a Mercedes Benz store,
a BMW, and a Chevy store....How much $$$$$ do you think he's worth? It doesn't matter, he hugged me and started jabberin like it was yesterday!
The girl below him is Patsy Edwards, she owns 2 gift shops in Jacksonville Fla.!
The pic with the 3 chicks below that? The one on the right is Debbie Golden, her daughter graduated with my daughter from the same high school, she is a Therapist. The one in the middle is Mary Ann Sullivan, she lived on my street and we have known each other since Kindergarten. The Girl on the left is Kathy Fromholtz, she owns a business in Hollister California. But check her out....She fricken looks 30!!!!!!!
The next pic is of Judy Holley, I've also known her all my life as well, and she was always so beautiful inside and out.
The last pic is of my old friend Tom Dewey, his mother was my Den Mother in the Cub Scouts!
She is still alive, and still lives in the same house..
1968 was a very tumultuous year in History.....
1..The My-Lai massacre took place in Viet Nam.
2..Martin Luther King was shot.
3..Bobby Kennedy was shot.
4. The Chicago Riots took place.
5. Congress passed a law making it a crime to desecrate the flag
6..Richard Nixon was elected President.
7..The 911 call was first introduced.
8..The end of the .05 cent Hershey Bar.
9..The Detroit Tigers won the World Series under the last year of the old format before the playoff system was implemented.
10..War protesting abounded EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Because of all this tumult and uncertainty, we were thrown together. We had no idea when the War was going to end. Racial tension was overwhelming. Revolution was in the air!!!!
So when you don't see some folks for 40 years, your heart soars when memories are rekindled!!
We sang the Colt Fight Song...
Danced to Motown..
Toasted our friends that are no longer with us..
Ogled the 'Wallflowers' that blossomed into beautiful women..
Cried over the ones that turned Very Grandmotherly..
For one Magical Night we were all 18 again.... And Loving It!!!
It was "Yummy Yummy Yummy"!!
Peace...Brother's and Sisters!!!!!
I have a reunion coming up, have been debating whether to go. Sounds like you had a great time, which is a mark in the "pro" column. We'll see.:-)
That is very cool! I graduated in '70 so mine is yet to come! I talked to people at our last reunion that couldn't remember sh*t, and others that remembered everything! As I grow older, I find our memories validate us- hell, we used to be somebody!
aww, i am so glad it was a great night for you. i think for thrusday's portrait or else retro wednesday you should scan your senior picture. i'd love to see that and bet your other readers would too.
oh and as for 1968, you forgot another bit of tumult....
i was born, hehehehehe
YAAAAYYYYYY!!!! for Galen's Happiness !!!
WOW! what an assortment of lovely & wonderful friends you have! & the women are all so beautiful! I am sure you kept falling in & out of love all through your graduation!
& I am sure all the men there too were setting quite a few female hearts aflutter!
Somehow I didn't receive my invitation for our 10th reunion but I would have loved to have gone and meet up with all the folks I went to school with, see who was doing what and how life is treating them.
You look good Galen and I am so glad you had a good time.
have a great day! :)
Sounds fantastic, you all look great. Never been to a reunion, sad thing is I think I only keep in touch with one of my school mates. Glad you had an awesome time.
I've never been to a school reunion but I have been in touch with some of my classmates on Friendsreunited. It's great that you all still got on so well. :)
I was suppose to have a reunion this year, but no dice. My school was shut down years ago so I wonder if I will ever have one.
ever cool, G-man,
especially since you love
all things nostalgic...
and ya, everyone looks
so young there!
even the guy with
gobs of money...
glad you had fun.
you look like you
lost some weight lately...
You would be one of those HOT timeless beauties!!!
You are just a pup!!
I've always said I'm old enough to be your daughter...hahahaha
Yes indeed I'm quite happy!!!!
Thanks Mona Dear....G
Thanks Heather, I feel GREAT!!!
Thank You Queenie...
Good luck on your hospital stay!!
You'd certainly turn some heads!
The school don't have to be open to have a reunion!!!
You should let me introduce you to him!...:-)
cute, G-man.
but i'll take a kind hearted human
over moneybags any day...
I am so glad you had a wonderful time. I noticed the same thing happening at my 30th. I was not thrilled with what I had attended before but decided to give it a shot again. It was fun. I saw so many people reliving when they were still in high school. I look forward to the 40th that I hope we have.
Oh and to myuptopia, my school was shut down and combined into the rivalry high school in the city over 20 years ago. We still hold reunions. There is hope.
You forgot the most important events of 1968... Lime and I were born!!
I'm so happy that you got to experience being the big dog. You totally deserve it. I know you were the hottest man there.
Oh you smooth talker you. ((blush))
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