Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Thursday Portrait.....
Every home town has their 'Oddball Collection' of famous Son's and Daughters!
Flint Michigan is no different...
#1..Bob Bell the original Bozo the Clown at Chicago's WGN.
#2..Michael Moore political activist, philanthropist, and film maker.
#3..Sinamon Love African American Porn Star.
#4..Galen Haynes Humorist, Buffoon, and a notorious Underachiever!
#5..Sandra Bernhard actress, comedienne, one time lover to Madonna during
one of Madge's Bi-Curious stages...Born in 1955!!! hehehehehe
See ya Thursday 8:00 PM EST (I hope so anyway...)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
No Prompt Poetry.....
I just can't rid, this unholy craving.
May I exchange a Nightmare for a Dream?
Your silent lips, once sealed an Eternal tryst.
It's the moistness that I miss.
May I exchange a Nightmare for a Dream?
I can't control this odd obsession.
It's the moistness that I miss.
There is no pennance for this obscene confession.
I can't control this odd obsession.
Who composed this Dance Macabre?
There is no pennance for this obscene confession.
Your heart is mine forever, My heart forever true!
Who composed this Dance Macabre?
What compels this odious devotion?
Your heart is mine forever, My heart forever true!
But never again will your lips whisper...Darling, I Love You.
What compels this odious devotion?
Your silent lips, once sealed an Eternal tryst.
But never again will your lips whisper...Darling, I Love You.
I just can't rid.....This unholy craving!!!
This poetic form is called a Pantoum...
The modern pantoum is written in interlocking quatrains in which
lines 2 and 4 of one stanza, are used as lines 1 and 3 of the next.
The poem can go on and on, and is usually resolved at the end by
picking up lines 3 and 1 from the FIRST stanza, as lines 2 and 4 of the last.
Thus closing the circle of the poem!
I'll be glad when all this creepy shit is over, so I can revert back to being silly!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Sunday 160.....
"Satan is his father and his name is Adrian!
He shall overthrow the mighty and lay waste to their temple.
He shall wreak vengence in the name of the burned and the Damned!"
This movie is one of the most well done Creepy Flicks of All time.
If you've never seen it, I suggest you rent or Netflix it.
Want an easy challenge?
Write a story, rant, or poem using 160 characters, including spaces...
Then go see the lovely Shakira...,.,Here.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Friday Slash 55.....
( approaching his target...)
There's something about steel.
The gun is cowardly and boring.
( buries the blade )
For one luxurious moment from puncture to twist...
You and the victim are ONE!
The gasp
The gush
That earthy sanguine scent
That pallid surprised stare
In spite of his turgid erection, he slinks off .
Compulsion...Momentarily slaked!!
If you or anyone you know, has stabbed someone or written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most turgid host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Thursday Portrait.....
Before Morticia Addams
Before Elvira Mistress of the Dark
There was a Vampira!!!
Vampira was the hostess for a Horror anthology series that played
on TV in the 50's.
She later went on to star in an Ed Wood film that is generally regarded
as THE worst movie of all time...Plan Nine From Outer Space.
She had that Dark Skanky look that most men LOVE!!
Her TV show lasted one season, being cancelled in.....1955!!
I hope to see at least SOME of you on Thursday 8:00 PM EST.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
No Prompt Poetry.....
*****Ballad of a Predator*****
He lives among us, a silent man
And no body pays attention
Blood and Sin dominate his soul
A lifetime of rejection
He looks quite sane, he fits right in
A Master of projection!
He has a job, he feeds his cats
His neighbors say he's kind
He hides his horror so expertly
Any goodness is hard to find
But inside a mild exterior
Lies a very wicked mind...
He stalks the Malls and Internet
He's intelligent and sly
He has a Black and Empty heart
His victims ALL must die
When you look into his face
What you see....Is Evil's eye!!
The basic Ballad form is a sestet of iambic heptameter.
The 2nd, 4th, and 6th lines are rhyming.
Howdy Everybody.....
Yessir, just as I said yesterday, G-Man (or his alter-ego Bubba-G)
was gonna get TRASHED today. Trash Can Turkey that is.....
Level off a spot of ground, make sure it's level and semi-soft.
Secure some tin foil to the ground.
Put a brick or ceeement block in the center.
Find yourself some sort of Yard Bird, in this case, the neighbor's turkey!!!
Procure yourself a metal trash can. (preferably an unused one)
Secure it tightly over the whole shabang, along with some foil wrapped spuds.
Spread charcoal around the bottom and on top...Light...Have a shot of Moonshine
but don't get the 'Shine' near the open flame!!!
A 10 pound bird needs 1 hour...15 pounder takes 90 minutes...Etc.
Uncover, let rest, enjoy.......
Sunday, October 21, 2012
The PERFECT Kick Ass Week-End.....
"Now THAT puts things back, in their proper perspective"...........
***Glenn E. 'Bo' Schembechler***
G-Man is very Happy today.
In fact....He's gonna get TRASHED!!!!
News at 11...hehehehe
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Friday Flash 55.....
*************** WKIL RADIO ***************
Goooooooooood Evening Bad Axe Michigan!!!!!!
Steady Freddie Krueger here with ALL request hits, ALL night.
Brought to you this evening by The Manson Mortuary...
"When You're Dead, You're Family"!
Tonights first request is a 'Shout-Out' to Linda, from her stalker Jerry.
"Linda....Sorry about slitting your throat, but your incessant screaming
drove me fucking crazy".........
Ha! I bet the song was....Mack The Knife!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the creepiest host from coast to coast.....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Thursday Portrait.....
As you can see by the leaves on my beautiful Birch tree, (and the calendar)
It's October!!!!
That means THREE things...
1.) Somewhere there will be drunk Germans. (Or people that are German for a day)
2.) It's a month of scary and creepy events
3.) The average mean temperature in most of Michigan is in the Mid-Fifties.
According to the thermometer on my new Cruze, it's...hehehehe, take a guess!
And you know what event takes place starting at 8:00 PM EST Thursday, so help
a host out and give me something scary and/or creepy before the month ends.
I have something creepy planned, please join in on the fun........
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
No Prompt Poetry.....
Gnarly feet
Visual torture
Hide them please!!!
Pretty Toes
A feast for the eyes and lips
Display them Proudly!!
This particular poetic form is called Fetish Shadorma
I hope you enjoyed it....
Potato Bomb.....!!!!!
Hi Everybody, I hope YOUR Week-End was as Kick Ass as MINE!
Wanna have some fun with cooking?
Last Friday I saw an interesting YouTube video that I just had to attempt.
The Potato Bomb!!
Assemble your stuffing ingredients.... (The choice is yours)
I used thinly sliced Ham, aged Cheddar, Bacon, Jalapeno Cheese spread.
But you can use Turkey, Sausage, Garlic cloves, Onion, etc....
Take an apple corer, (I bought mine at Bed Bath&Beyond)
Bore a hole thru the potato and save the core plug.
Stuff the spud with your Favorite goodies.
Cut the core into thirds, and throw the middle third away.
Plug the ends of the stuffed spud with the remaining pieces.
Wrap it in some foil with some Oil and Salt and Pepper and Bake or Grill.
It's Easy, Fun, and soooooooo Delicious.
Have a Kick Ass Week peeps.....
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Sunday 160.....
You knew it was stupid.
But for some strange reason,
a cup of Hot Coffee sounded mighty
good on a chilly Autumn evening.
3:30 AM..Eyes wide open...Mind racing.
Racing....Racing to frustration!
Want an easy Sunday challenge?
Write anything thats 160 Characters,
And go visit the Lovely Shakira....Here!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Friday Flash 55.....
"BAR-KEEP.....Beer Me!!!!"
'Hold on Honey, I'm......Hey wait a minute, I know you, you was in Playboy.
The Girls of Lancaster County...Rebecca with a Heckova Rack?'
"Yeah, thats me. Some big-mouth Mennonite blabbed about it at a barn raising,
now I'm....Shunned like an Amish Whore!
Now my beer?.......Yuengling please."
Shunned like an Amish Whore....I've been there Becky, I've been there...........
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment......Then BOOK!
So from the most shunned host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Thursday Portrait.....
I'd like to buy another vowel Pat!
Boy oh Boy, Vanna STILL looks good, take a guess..hehehehe
See you Thursday 8:00 PM EST.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Panfish Paradise.....
Hi Everybody...
This week-end, my son Reese and I went up tp my long time
friend and Fraternity Brother Jim Shephard's (AKA Perchpike)
fishing camp in Au Gres Michigan. He has a very nice place on a
canal that leads out to Saginaw Bay. When everyone else was riding
the choppy water trying to catch Walleye or Salmon, we were walking
along the canal catching panfish by the dozens (We kept 40). It was exciting, relaxing,
and tons of fun.The panfish come into the shallows in cold weather, and wait
for the Spring to spawn.
Reese is holding the basket of fish that we decided to keep, and as you can see
they fried up to a delicious golden brown. Along with some cheesy jalapeno
corn bread, and some ice cold Labatt Blue, we were in Fisherman's Heaven!
On the way home we stopped in a small town called Pinconning, that is WORLD
famous for their Awesome cheese!
Starting on the bottom right going up...
Extra Sharp 150 day old Cheddar
200 day old Extra Sharp
3 YEAR old Extra Sharp
7 Year old Extra Sharp
10 Year old Extra Sharp
13 Year Old Extra Sharp
SIXTEEN Frickin Year Olde Extra Sharp!!
The top left bundle is Sharp Garlic Cheddar that we bought for 2.59 a pound!
Needless to say...Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sammies for Sunday Dinner!
I'll be constipated for a month...hehehehehe
Have a Kick Ass Week-Peeps!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Sunday 160.....
Gosh Pop, she seemed so nice!
"Number One Son must remember, even a wise man
cannot fathom the depth of a woman's smile!"
Ever notice what PERFECT English Charlie Chan and his
#1 and #2 Sons spoke?
Want a Challenge? Visit Shakira and try Micro-Fiction in 160 Characters.
I'm up north fishing....Have a Kick Ass Week Peeps!!