Monday, October 22, 2012


Howdy Everybody.....
Yessir, just as I said yesterday, G-Man (or his alter-ego Bubba-G)
was gonna get TRASHED today. Trash Can Turkey that is.....
Level off a spot of ground, make sure it's level and semi-soft.
Secure some tin foil to the ground.
Put a brick or ceeement block in the center.
Find yourself some sort of Yard Bird, in this case, the neighbor's turkey!!!
Procure yourself a metal trash can. (preferably an unused one)
Secure it tightly over the whole shabang, along with some foil wrapped spuds.
Spread charcoal around the bottom and on top...Light...Have a shot of Moonshine
but don't get the 'Shine' near the open flame!!!
A 10 pound bird needs 1 hour...15 pounder takes 90 minutes...Etc.
Uncover, let rest, enjoy.......


  1. Kind of a white-person luau in a modern imu!

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

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  2. We do something very similar at Scout camp. Always delish!

  3. hey, we're doing that this weekend. though we don't use a cement block and have never put coals on top. it sure does make a tasty bird though doesn't it! mmmmmmmm

  4. That is an interesting way to toast a turkey!

  5. ...and I bet all the neighbors try to be your best friend for the day... not to mention all the neighborhood cats and dogs! You are a cooking genius!
