Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday Portrait.....

OK Class......Ready for a Pop-Quiz?
Which of the two above pics best depicts a Shaggy Mane?
A. Picture Number One
B. Picture Number Two
C. Both

The answer will be revealed 8:00 PM Thursday EST.......
And while you're at it, you might as well churn out a story with a plot
and a central character in EXACTLY 55 words.


  1. Hmmm.... I'm not sure I'll go there! Only will say that one of them has TWO shaggy manes.
    Hope all is well, Mr. G. Apologies (yes, I know) for being so absent of late--not in blogging circumstances. Love the portrait!

  2. I say the top one, because the second picture is totally well-groomed.

    See ya tomorrow, G--I have a few things bubbling in the cauldron, so should be able to play.

  3. Hmmm, after giving it a lot of thought, I will go with.......(drumroll)........A!

  4. What happened to D. None of the Above?

  5. Well ... Whatever the answer, the dude in pic 2 is my fave.

  6. I like your silver, longish hair and you keep it looking nice. Not messy (unless you are on a bike, I imagine - but then do you wear a bandana?

  7. I'll be posting tomorrow as I am playing 'Bunco" with a group of ladies tonight and gambling $5! A wild night.

    I just visited everyone from last week's Friday 55 - the days are just busy lately! I like challenges that keep everyone's writing to 55. :)
