Thursday, February 20, 2014

Friday Flash 55.....


"Thank You for calling Gullibles...We Sell EVERYTHING!!
How can I help you"?

' I'm interested in a cat-house.'

"Sir, you need to call our Nevada location...."

' Not THAT kind of cat-house!! For my Kitty'.

" Ooops, sorry.......Say, how about one thats light, portable, biodegradable, and now
on sale for only $ 55.00"?

Great deal eh? And it has Red/White/Blue graphics on the outside...Beaver LOVES it!
If you or anyone you know is gullible, or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.....Then BOOK!!!
So from the most gracious host from coast to coast.....
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. Ha, I would not be interested in a cathouse. A doghouse perhaps though!!

    Here is my 55: Your Book.

  2. I don't think I am gullible but I have written a 55. Here is my offering for this week: My Phone. Have a great weekend!

  3. ha.

    dont think you will be getting your money's worth out of that one.

    so there is one in nevada eh?

    mine is up here

  4. I didn't know you were a cat man. Cute kitty. :)

    Mine's up Binary Man

  5. G, did you shave for that photo? (evil grin).

    If so, hope you used a good moisturizer, since you never know what the razor can do between skin ~

  6. Shame the way you took away the kid's toy and gave it to the cat--and why did you name your pussycat, never mind.

    I'm playin, cuz what else can I do when I get so blown away, as Neil says:

    Wind Chant

  7. Love it! I have a couple of those that love their cat houses. I'm loving Beaver!

    Mine is HERE.

  8. Ha! I bought a nice comfy cat bed for my cats and they prefer a ratty basket or a paper grocery bag. My big cat loves to try and squeeze into a shoe box.

    Gotta watch those sales pitches! I'm back from playing Bunco - $5 poorer but I did have way more than $5 of fun. I think that was a pretty good deal.


  9. No point buying anything for a cat because it will always prefer the box it came in.

    I can't vouch for the cats in those other cathouses.

    Here's mine: Opossums and Voodoo

  10. My dd insisted on getting a fancy cat bed. I tried to talk her out of it, but she thought it was a necessity. The cat's wont use it. They prefer an old box.

    Mine is up

  11. Lovingthe drag!

    Mine is good old fashioned European commie talk.

  12. I like it. In the UK that box would be classed as contemporary art. You'll find mine here.

  13. Ha.. love the story.. in Sweden a doghouse actually the name for a the Mini (car)...

    Anyway here is my 55 word ballad.

  14. Recycling/ reusing is good and he looks happy! I'm in:

  15. That's me G-man gullible from the gills down. :o) And you named your cat what?

    Here's mine:

    Second Sight

  16. That cat is so cute! Unlike the Netherworld's nasty villain, General Deborah Wylie, who stars in my entry. She's not at all cute.

  17. Home sweet home ! Great deal man-
    love you gullible tale G !

  18. Sorry I missed 55ing this time, G Man. I've been busy getting bit by dogs and falling on the ice!
