Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Thursday Portrait.....

Wake up boy, you're in some kind of a trance.
What are you thinkin?

"Um, I'm thinkin that I've done 349 Friday Flash 55's in my blogging career.
And I'm thinkin about my 350th!!
I'm thinkin that I'll post it Thursday Night at 8:00 PM EST.
Thats what I'm thinkin, and I'm also thinkin that my 55 will be about thinkin.
Thats what I'm thinkin......."


  1. Hey Gman! how are you ? came by for a visit- should I play your 350 ?!
    do know if I got any Ju-ju juice but
    55 ? maybe! : )

  2. wow. that is pretty crazy...that is 6.73 years....

  3. Nothing wrong with a little trance, G--I spend most of the time in one. You ought to get some sort of gold statuette for your 350th friday funfest.That's a LOT of preludes to kickass weekends.

  4. Looking forward to that 55, G-Man!

  5. I'm on vacation. I don't do any thinkin'. :-P

  6. Wow - people keep track of stuff like that! :)

    I'm nowhere near that amount, but I think I may have one or two more in me. :)

  7. Izzy over at "Conversing" is gonna play! That's great news.

    Almost 7 years of wishing people a "Kick-Ass Weekend" … that's awesome.

    I'm thinkin' I need to finish up visiting everyone tomorrow (from last week's 55). One of these days I will finish on a Friday - but my kids have social lives and I am required to drive them to and fro… :)

  8. Mine will be up early G--I'll be back later to link it in. Congratulations on your 350th anniversary. My husband and I will be celebrating ours this February--at least it feels like the 350th...;_)

  9. That is a lot of micro fiction!

  10. Thinkin' men are hot. I'll be there for your 350th :)
