Thursday, January 16, 2014

Cogito Ergo 55.....

While sitting in Philosophy class, the student was actually cramming for
his Poetry final. Seeing this, the miffed Proffessor sternly pontificated....
"Mr Haynes, Poetry and Philosophy do NOT mix, now tell me about Descartes."
'Professor I say this with dread
It's perfectly clear
I'm not really here
Because I haven't a thought in my head.'

Yeah....Quite the Wisenheimer, but I did get a B+ in the class anyway...hehehehe
If you are a Wisenheimer or have written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man!
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment.......Then Book!
So from the Thinkingest host from coast to coast...Have a Kick Ass Week-End!


  1. I can sympathize, I was always dreaming poetry in class, mind wandering off out the window. I never was good with witty answers.

    I have a math equation to solve. Don't worry it's the easiest kind: More Than or Less Than

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi G-Man! I love the title of your post. Here is my 55 for this week: Eating Grapefruit. Have a great weekend!


  4. Love this!! What poet isn't at least an armchair philosopher?
    my 55

  5. Hah! That's perfect. I feel asleep in philosophy class... which is why I ended up majoring in rhetoric.

    so, here's mine

  6. Truly not bad to receive a B+ in philosophy class. Here is my 55: Treadmill Ramblings.

  7. I love this one G!I am a pushover for anyone who speaks Latin--or even pig latin.

    Also, I *AM* a weisenheimer, *and* I have written a 55 which proves I'm not here at all.

    Fish Out Of Water

  8. I'm always wishing I could thumbs up some of these comments.

  9. I didn't learn a thing in philosophy class. My professor's patchouli clouded my brain!

    I've got one up on my poetry blog.

  10. "I think, therefore I am"… isn't he known for that?

    Ha ha - I'm sure you were the teacher's pet.

    I tried to do more of a story format for you today:


    FYI: If people post later than early morning Friday, I often am not able to visit and read until the following Thursday (it's about time management ;P - i have six children! ) Just wanted everyone to know I will be by often later than sooner …

  11. One can be caught dreamy and smiling at nobody just thinking of poetry. Thanks G-Man, mine is here.


  12. I'm sure you were secretly his favorite student!

    Mine is HERE.

  13. He had to have chuckled, Galen...right? I know I would have!

    My 55: Hostilities

  14. Never easy keeping focus in class!Also Idk if you remember me but I just recently re created my tech blog!

  15. I so love your 55's! wish I could put stuff like this together but my head just doesnt think that way when I start to type. it just goes on and on and on...............

  16. I like that: I think, therefore I'm 55 :-)
    You'll find mine here.

  17. Of course poetry and philosophy don't mix. Poetry is not written in prose!

    Here you can go plink my 55 over here. I went local this week.

  18. A French soldier known as Descartes
    Said "I hope that you've taken to heart
    That without a safe line
    To something divine,
    Each is stuck at his self engrossed start.

    mine is here

  19. You blew my mind with this one, G. The 17th is poet William Stafford's birthday and on Thursday night Oregon Public Broadcasting had a wonderful program honoring him. His son, Kim Stafford, said he questioned whether his father was a poet or philosopher (the actual quote was deep and I wish I had it for you)..... your great 55 was right on his wavelength!


  20. Happens a lot when you are a student.
    How have you been young man?

    Here's mine -

  21. Wisenhammer! Yay- good mix G; Ha ha never did get philosophy it went right over my head!!!
    Glad to see you are in good form!

  22. Hahaha - brilliant! You should have got and A in both philosophy and potry for that answer!

    My 55 is:
    Waxing Gibbous

  23. I AM a Weisenheimistress.

    I got extra credit once for writing poems on my Poly-Sci paper.

    I started to write 55 words, but it got up to like, 150 -- so maybe next week I'll give it another go.

    HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! xo

  24. Hey Galen, I have been traveling and also in class all week in a conference so this resonated with me but I am at airport and don't think I gave a 55 in me. Have a great weekend. K.

    1. That is bad typing for "have" a 55 in me. K

  25. I assume you've heard the Monty Python song alleging that all the great philosophers were drunkards. "I drink therefore I am". Nyuk nyuk.

  26. i haven't a thought in my head too sometimes! hence the delay in my posts )mine is here..
