Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thursday Portrait.....

There are absolutely NO subliminal 55 messages anywhere in this picture.......
Something smells awfully Fishy around here!!

Very low commenting activity in Bloggerville this week. I sure hope I get some players
come Thursday Night 8:00 PM EDST. I get lonely sometimes.


  1. You'll be up to your gills in company, G Man!

  2. What an awesome catch! So jealous!

    I'll be playing. :)

  3. I want that fisherman crossing sign! Can you steal it for me?

  4. Nice fish--and I'm sure they weighed at least 55 ounces?? Surely.

    I got nothin, G--sorry. Little under the weather this week. If I have a weird dream tonight though, maybe I'll make it by Friday.

  5. Five fingers on each hand?

    I know that the schools are all having concerts and mid-term stuff - makes for a LOT of running around. PLUS we have fall "chores" and yard work - but I made it. :)

  6. I was going to say 2 fish 55 but 2 fish dont equal 55 so I'll shut up now lol

  7. i'm betting each fish is five lbs.
