Monday, April 29, 2013

Who Gives a Shit?

Hi Everybody.....
I'm still MEGA BUSY (Last of the month you know) But I still found the
time to post my Weekly Crappy Monday list of irritants...Enjoy and play along.

1.) Tim Tebow this, Tim Tebow that...Who Gives a Shit?

2.) Reese Witherspoon's Mug Shot...Who Gives a Shit?

3.) No Underwear wearin Gweneth Paltrow voted....
The Most Beautiful Woman in the World?????     Who Gives a Shit?


  1. Gwynnie - the most beautiful woman in the world? That's a bag of shit!

  2. I do not understand how #3 came about. What? Was Angelina Jolie's leg busy this week. ;)

  3. .. those would have been my top three! Har, har.

  4. Still laughin from the teddy bear pic--that would be you, if he was only on a Harley.

    Only one to add to your most excellent list, G:

    George W Bush Presidential Library--*falls over laughing* WGAS?

  5. Jennifer Hudson for Weight Watchers...who gives a shit?!?

  6. yeah, i don't give a shit about any of that either. also don't give a shot about....meh....i'm not even following the news enough to not give a shot about much else. how's that for not giving a shot a all?

  7. Gwyneth Paltrow is a stuck-up, classless slag who just happens to have money.
    Next time I won't hold back so much on my real opinion! ;-)

  8. The first had me cracking up (sweet ol' Teddy Bear) and Gwyneth Paltrow is attractive... but she looks so thin - I do think she is talented, though.

    Oh... Joy... I thought GWB was sweet during the Presidential Library opening... ;) (I really did)

    I don't care about the NFL draft picks at all!!! No that's not it. I don't give a shit about the NFL draft picks.


  9. Let's let's not because no one gives a shit anyway.

    Gwyneth had to have her body servants run around looking for a razor so she could go commando in that dress...i didn't get to shave her so certainly do not give a shit.
