Thursday, April 25, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

She's in.
She's in my head.
Ageless skin, dark cold eyes.
Ruby red lips, alabaster thighs.
Can't think straight....Mesmerized.
She's in.
She's in my head.
Overpowered by lust, with a hint of dread.
Incredibly alive, among the undead.
Sanguine demands, a fantasy sublime.
Of the Souls on this Earth...
She had to take Mine!

What can I say? I have a thing for Redheads!
If you or anyone you know is smitten and bitten, and has written Flash Fiction.
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most anemic host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!!!


  1. Love the Undead motif, Mr G. Very hard to get rid of them once they're in your head. Not even Orkin can do it.

    Drill a hole to let her out, maybe?

    I'm playin

    Botanical Sabbatical

    I'll be round to read tomorrow.

  2. Yep, reds are trouble, but you'll deal, somehow!

  3. Sigh. Redheads get ALL the fun guys.
    (Not to be confused with all the fungi.)

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  4. Redheads are alluring. I agree, Galen. But this particular one is downright scary! :)

    My 55:Maintaining...

  5. Are you sure it is the red hair that attracted you? Quite the ode to lust, this poem!

    Now, to bring the fever down, here is a bit of sweet innocence:


  6. I'll be around to read in the morning. I apologize for not getting to everyone's the past few weeks - kids end of year school events are keeping us on our toes... Just got back from one tonight and have a few more yet to go before school is out. I can't wait for summer. It looks like it might hit 60 for you this weekend in MI!!

  7. I'd say it was more than the red hair that attracted you!

    Art Attack

  8. You lucky lucky man

    from Wacky Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3
    > < } } ( ° >
    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  9. My hair is gray, which I guess no one has a thing for. However, at my advanced stage of curmudgeonry, I think I'd find someone having a thing for me more annoying than flattering.
    My piece slithers here.

  10. Wow, G, not only is this a fascinating 55 but it is a marvelous poem! Hurray for you for loving redheads, as not all guys are that brave. ;)

    Best weekend to you.

    I ♥ SF

  11. Yes we are quite familiar with those
    difficult, tempestuous types! thanks for a Great Ode to trouble! : )

  12. This is extraordinary! If I didn't already have a thing for redheads, I definitely do now. Wow... ahem. We must be having a similarly-themed week: Dreamgirl

  13. Ha! I keep thinking of Poirot's helper Hastings! Always fooled by the redhead. Ha.

    I'm back from India. Hope you are well, despite the undead attack!

    Here's mine.

  14. My Honey used to have a bumper sticker: I brake for blonds but I back up 20 feet for a redhead. It was in my honor and made me smile. She looks like quite a handful.
    Mine's posted:

  15. I've written advocating self indulgence which fits in nicely with your poem.

    Flash 55 - Wine, Women and ...

  16. Oooh you need a cold shower! LOL

    I'm still not inspired to write but you can read about my trip. x

  17. WOW..I have indeed been missing a lot of HOT stuff here!!!
    SUPERB 55!!!
    YOU ROCKING IT again,Mr. G!
    I am back with a small offer
    I have miss all of you!!!
    Have you a truly blessed weekend!!!!
    hugs with much love and respect as always,

    p.s I will try to link everyone up...

  18. What a great 55! I still am going to say blondes have more fun.

    I was going to play this week, but life happens, so I've got nothing. :-(

  19. enjoyed this read.. and how you rhymed!! mine is here

  20. I haven't forgotten... I will swing by tomorrow and visit everyone's 55's.

  21. That´s a great one G-man! Hope you´ve had a great weekend! :-)
