Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday Portrait.....

Please call my Number...
Please call my Number...
Please call my Number...
Please Please Please.....

Bingo Baby!!!!!!!!!!
See You Thursday Night 8:00 PM EDST
Please Please Please!!!!!


  1. I've never been lucky in games of chance. Not feeling too lucky about anything right now, but maybe I can rustle up some words for you without getting too morbid or redundant.

  2. a 55 and it's under the letter G? it really was made for you. the nervous face cracks me up. xo

  3. Okay....since you used the magic word.

  4. Bingo seems to go on a lot around her, in one form or another.

    Mine will be ready for you Friday, G, in keeping with the recent pattern--which will no doubt continue as long as the daily torture of the April poem-a-day persists.

  5. around 'here' not her. Yeesh. I'm delirious.

  6. HOT DANG!!! That cracks me up, the way 55 follows you around!

  7. lol! I remember waiting on that number one time...damn thing never did get called! ;)
