Monday, March 25, 2013

Who Gives a Shit.....

Hi Everybody!!!
This is gonna be short and sweet.
1.) Dancing With The Stars......Who Gives a Shit?
2.) American Idol..... Who Gives a Shit?
Hey Folks, give a fella some help here.....


  1. I have NEVER given a shit about either of those things.

  2. Meteors--Millions of meteors! There is a nine million to one chance one could hit us! WGAS?
    Michele Bachman says we could eliminate unemployment by abolishing the minimum wage--yep, they called that slavery, but hey, they were all working!--her logic? WGAS.

    That's all I got this week, G.

  3. Just reading your 'Who Gives a Shit' banner makes me smile... you are such a naughty boy!

    Let's see ... Who gives a shit about the Buckeyes? (certain someone will GET me for this)

  4. I have never watched any of that type of show. I do not give a shit!

  5. Anything with "Housewives of..." -- and that should help a lot cuz I think there are currently 55 (count 'em) versions of that show running!

  6. Talon...that would be more than I could ever wish for!

  7. Lost my vote---who gives a shit?

    Probably will lose my pension and medical---who gives a shit?

    Fuck White Boy Rick Snyder in his shit hole---I'd pay to see that!

  8. OH... I adored Dorothy Hamil... and she looks great. I actually have fun watching that show... but haven't watched if for a couple of years... not time (too busy writing poetry :)

    And now that "American Idol" is without smart ass Simon Cowell, I have no reason to watch it. ;P (I loved him ha ha)

    In TOTAL agreement with "Housewives of..." Bugs the SHIT out of me.

    And I agree with Helen! I feel "naughty" swearing like this :) But, who gives a shit, I will follow your lead.
