Thursday, March 21, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

"BAR-KEEP!!! You got anything stronger than this Autumn King swill?
I've had three and I'm sober as a knob job."

'Harvey...? Did you drive here?

"Naw, I'm crashing just a hop and a jump down the path."

'OK then, (He pours two glasses) heres a double Pimpernil,
with a Queen Anne's Lace chaser!!!'

Ha! They don't call it Wild Carrot for nothing....
If you or anyone you know drinks swill or has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!
So from the most carotene and Velveteen host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. Wild Carrot? Do you drink it or smoke it?

    Sucks getting old--I don't know any of the good slang any more.

    I'm playin, though:

    Storm Flower

  2. GAH! I'm first and all I know is video games!


  3. Dammit. This is Friday number 2 that I am too plumb tuckered to come up with a 55 worth writing or reading.
    But you know, G, I am diggin' on your lagomorphic 55 this week. You are speaking my language!
    My new job is wearing me slick. Retail is a BITCH! WTF was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking my fat lazy ass needed to get a damned job...

  4. and first thing in the morning it is hare of the dog right? smiles... games work hedge

  5. lol! Now I know why Stripey finds it so easy to catch rabbits! ;)

    My 55: huh?

  6. Wait. Isn't Queen Anne's Lace poisonous? The flower I mean. is there a Queen Anne's Lace carrot? I'm so ignorant.

    Mine is up

  7. Love the Bunny Funny ! I can't swill down any of that stuff no more- oh well I did my share! Cheers~

  8. LOL. And tomorrow, a little "hare" of the dog that bit him?

  9. I'll take a Chantenay (really sounds like a drink, I think) Fascinating all the varieties of carrots. Who knew!

    I'm exhausted ... will post and play tomorrow!

  10. how very seasonal and horticultural of you since queen anne's lace is wild carrot. i sure could have used a shot tonight myself!

    here's why

  11. Mine is up. I combined with my own thing for tomorrow.

  12. sweet!

    ALOHA from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° > <3

  13. ha ha ha Harvey! I had a rabbit named Harvey. My dad brought him home one day and mom was pissed I named him Harvey after the Jerry Lewis Movie Harvey! I never found out why mom was mad but I guess she got even when a few years later we got a skunk for a pet!!!!!

  14. I remember when my grandfather and I used to take walks down a dusty old country road, he taught me about the different kinds of plants. I was too young to remember most of it, but to this day I remember learning that Queen Anne's Lace smells like carrots.

    Good memories.

    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

    P.S. Does "sober as a knob job" mean what I think it means? (!!?)

  15. I was unaware of the sobriety of the knob job!

  16. Well then Ladies, ya learn something every day don't you?
    That's my job!

  17. Poor Oxy Moron, he's having a hard time rehearsing his scenes for Hamlet with the uppity Yorick in my mighty offering.
    I loved your Bunny scenario!

  18. As long as you can remember what to order ...
    You'll find mine here.

  19. Posted! But probably needs more than 55 words to explain it.

  20. This little Harvey (son of big Harvey?) is just too cute to be drinking alone in a bar. Although Wild Carrot sounds like my kind of drink.....scoot over little Harvey!

    Not From My Closet

    Have a great weekend, G!

  21. Oh yeah I didn't know what the hell you were talking about but I assume it had something to do with carrots and rabbit stew. Or was it Neil the pimp?

  22. That bunny looks like a carrot top. Did you use the carrot and stick method to keep him sitting so still? That's all I got on carrots. You sure do keep us hopping with your clever ideas. :)

    Flash 55 - Witch Love

  23. Actually G, I did enjoy my visit to
    the junk yard- I just wish I had a camera! Have a great weekend!

  24. reminds me of some drinks I have in my room. hidden for special occasion. In hopes it would get me high .. you think ?

    Last Pic

  25. I might have to rethink at that Queen Anne's Lace out in the pasture now.

    Mine is HERE.

  26. Too much pollen on the bunny trail for me, slowed me down.

    Mine's up. Happy weekend.

  27. I'm fond of rye, single malts, and hoppy [Ha!] beers, not swill.

    But I have a flash 55 for you.

    You can find it here..


  28. Fifty-five words.

    Thanks for the fun.

  29. What a fine day we are having in the south! Almost 60 degrees and sunny - My son's pre-school class had an Easter egg hunt where it SHOULD be ... outside on green grass - not buried in snow.

    We are getting our carrots ready for the Easter bunny - and did you know he also likes a shot of Baileys Irish Creme? Yup, 'tis true.

    Here is my late 55 "Carved Reflections".

  30. Finally here! Your rabbit makes me think of Alice, even though he's not white. Rough week, but I'm in with Farewell Abby

  31. I love you lop-eared 55! No post from me this week. I'm at a writing retreat.

  32. got this political email today, thought of you:

    Did you see? Yesterday, the Senate passed a budget for the first time in four years!

    This wouldn't have happened if we didn't fight for No Budget No Pay, which forced Congress to pass a budget if they wanted to get paid. No Labels is making a difference and now that we have recruited 55 congressional Problem Solvers, our influence will only continue to grow.
