Thursday, February 28, 2013


You know between the Faux Blizzard, paying my Winter Taxes, a Doctor's
Appt., getting my Income Taxes done, searching for a gas station that wasn't
charging 3.99 a gallon, and customer's calling me at home Twice....
I forgot what day it was!!!
So no Regular Thursday post. But of course I DID remember to write my
weekly Friday thing. You know the...the....the thing that I post on Thursday
night at 8:00 PM. That Thing!
See ya tonight? I hope.....


  1. $3.99 a gallon for gas? I wish it was only that much here! We're paying £7 per gallon that's over $10!

  2. You know what they say: the mind is the second thing to go--or is that what I say? I forget.
    I'm working on something for ya, G, for that...that thing you do on Fridays--that *online* thing, that is--but who knows if it will shape up. May your snow melt and your customers lose your home phone number.

  3. You do something on Fridays? After all you go through on a Thursday? You are truly remarkable, G.

  4. excuses...excuses...ya slacker. just kidding, of course. when's the last time you saw me put up a thursday thing?
