Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Thursday Portrait.....

It's my favorite time of the year again folks, Tim Horton's "Roll the Rim"!
It took me a few times, but I finally hit a Free Coffee today.
Well, with over 550,000 prizes to be given away in the next two months, my
chances are pretty good to win something. Considering I'll probably get about
555 coffees during that time...hehehehehe
See you Thursday 8:00 PM EST.
(That is if I survived Ohio unscathed......)


  1. My first on yesterday was a "Try again" I left the empty second cup in the car holder hoping the old lady has better luck, if not I still have $5.50 left on my gift card.

  2. No, you're doin' it wrong! It's rrrrrrrrrrrroll up the rrrrrrrrrrrrrim to win!

  3. *sad* Still nothing over here, G! But I'm glad you won something! :)
