Monday, January 7, 2013

I Hear a Squatch.....!!!!!

It's no wonder that a clear and definitive picture of Bigfoot has never been caught on film. If you are in the woods and see the elusive critter, the last thing that you are thinking about is your cell phone camera. The first thing you think of is getting the fuck outta Denver!!! The other morning as I was gazing out my back window, I spotted a small flock of Turkeys, I grabbed my cell phone and snapped a pic. But in my excitement I forgot that the flash was still on and it reflected as a Ball of Fire in the pic, Grrrrrrrr..... But just wait Peeps, it's all a matter of time before the hairy giant is exposed as Real, and NOT legend! Doe's anyone out there watch Finding Bigfoot on the Animal Planet? I love that show! Although sometimes I just want to kick Renay right in her Dupa. And whatever Matt hears in the woods he always says... "I Think Thats a Squatch"....What a dweeb!


  1. I think you're right G, just like the Loch Ness Monster someone will get a good photo one of these days.

  2. ha...i take my shirt off...someone gets a picture...and next thing you know there is a legend...and my foots not even that big...smiles.

  3. Did you ever watch Trailer Park Boys? It was a Canadian Mockumentary that ran bout ten or so seasons. If you have NETFLIX, you have to watch it. It gets better as the seasons add up. Bubbles is a character that talks about "them samsquantch cocksuckers!!!"
    I am a believer in Nessy! Nessy LIVES! Maybe even that samsquantch cocksucker north american ape!!!

  4. Haha, I hope u´ll be the first one to catch B-footie in a pic! :-)

  5. I have seen it. I'm thinking if there is such a thing, Bobo is it's cousin...and BF has more braincells than Matt. :)

  6. lol, i never even heard of the show!

  7. Love your turkeys!
    Big Foot ? I think I have tripped over pieces of it here and there!
    Kind of like Nessie! where would we be without myths and
    'possibilities' ?

  8. Look's like some nice toms. I will have to come over this spring and set up a blind.

  9. Baby Puppy and I are devoted viewers of Finding Bigfoot!

  10. !!!! My youngest son and I just watched it for the first time... I think they travelled to Australia for the "cousin" of Big Foot... We watched the whole episode (my husband just shook his head) . I heard lots of noises, but saw nothing of substance. My little guy loved it! :)

  11. I never can remember my flash on anything. its either off when I want it on or on when I want it off UGH. Big foot? hummmm have they met Mr Gab yet? just saying lol
