Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friday Flash 55.....

He worried about strange things. Things like, if he were stranded on a
desert island with Lady Gaga.....What if she really DID have a Dick?
If an alien spacecraft landed, and he was directed to..."Take us to
your leader"! Would that mean the Mayor, or President Obama?
Can Honey Boo Boo escape rural Georgia?

At 10,000 Bucks an episode, I should hope so!!
If you or anyone you know has written a Friday Flash 55
Please come tell The G-Man
I will visit, read, enjoy, comment....Then BOOK!!
So from the most angst-ridden host from coast to coast
Have a Kick Ass Week-End!!!


  1. huney boo boo is scary...almost as scary as gaga with a dick on a deserted island with me...this is a horror 55...ha

    my 55 is here

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. 'Take us to your leader' ... might mean Chris Christie, Steven Colbert or Jon Stewart ... take your pick! Brian is right Boo Boo is Scary Scary! May I have your permission to use the Cub Scout pic in my 55?

  4. I don't watch the show G, nor listen to Lady Gaga, though I do note her powerful fashion tastes ~

    I wrote up two today, to make up for missing on some weeks ~

    Have a great weekend ~


  5. Honey Boo Boo kicks ass! I watched the whole first season straight through a few months ago. It was the train wreck you can't look away from. But I think as a child, she is funny as hell with tons of personality and she cracks me up.

    Mine's up, 55'ers! xoxoxo

  6. I'm feeling culturally illiterate. I suspect that might be a good thing.

    Mine is just some G-rated fun today.Slack-key Apostle

  7. I'm with Grace on this one... not stuff I pay attention too... but it all sounds pretty scary to me! I suggest the Dalai Lama as leader... he has an excellent mind, heart and a great sense of humor! here's my 55

  8. LOL@ Nara Malone. YES! That is a good thing...

  9. Hi G-Man. Your thoughts are scary. Would not care to be with Lady Gaga, Honey Boo Boo,
    or Aliens who need to meet my leader. But, I'm sure glad to be here again.

    I posted a fifty five.

    Have a fantastic week end.

  10. honey booboo, aliens, gaga as a guy....dayum....i hope spring comes early so you can ride your harley and get your head on straight! this is scary shit!

    i played again this week here

  11. I am so out of touch. I have no clue who huney boo boo is. So many things to ponder.

    Mine is HERE

  12. Helen, yes you can...:-)

    Hey folks, I'm sorry about the pop culture overload, but I thought everybody had cable, or at least had a home page that gave daily news.
    Jeez, I guess a shouldn't post about the Amish Mafia then.
    (And it's leader, Lebonon Levi)

  13. Boo hoo, I don't know who Honey Boo Boo is, but I know Lady Gaga- not my kind of music, but maybe she's a good conversationalist. I have a different kind of horror for youhere

  14. Hey Folks! There is an Amish Mafia. They are the ones who sold my friend a blueberry pie that only had seven blueberries in it.

  15. i saw Lady Gaga on Leno with a thong on ~ i do NOT think she is a he!

    finally got my 55 done that i started last week ~

    i'll be back to visit others.

    have a wonderful weekend!

  16. Just when I thought I was starting to understand everything...


    Thanks for another Friday 55!
    Mine's here. :)

  17. Honey Boo Boo ? an amusing twilight 55 G!

  18. What if you took the aliens to MIT instead. Oops. Now I'm thinking silly things.

    Mine is up

  19. It's good to stay aware of pop culture, just so you don't look too clueless in front of the young'uns, but you really will go crazy if you think too much about it.

    I'm surprised you didn't find a way to slip Psy and Gangnam Style in there, though. ;-)

    Grim Swim

  20. I obviously don't get out enough. I have barely heard of Lady Ga Ga--like isn't it strange her first name and last name are exactly the same? But Honey Booby, no, I can't say I know the person.

    I got nothin this week, G, but I'm with you in spirit.

  21. Gee, G, your mind is working overtime this week! Here's a godawful thought: what if Honey Boo Boo was our leader? I have only seen clips of her and that was enough!

  22. The things that go through your head are frightening. LOL

  23. Despite readers generously attempting to help with the live link I haven't mastered it but want to play. My name is a link if this doesn't work again and Journey Into Elderhood is the blog. Hope to see you there. Have a great weekend.

  24. Ah, which leader is a problem. :)

    Mine's at work been asleep. Happy weekend.

  25. Hey G-man, I think I might worry about slightly different things, but to each his own. (But PLEASE let's leave Honey boo boo in Georgia). Anyway, I'm once again fashionably late but finally here with
    In Transit

  26. Hey G ~ Thanks for letting me know about the problem with not setting a link here. I don't know why it would deny access....other than that sort of exemplifies my crazy life right now!
    Maybe you can delete my prior comment in place of this one.

    I am here

  27. Ha! You fit a lot in 55! And on that island too! Watch out!

    Here's mine - Shakespeare and politics. (Ha. Neither very cogently).

  28. Hey, if you're gonna worry, worry big!

  29. haha:)

  30. Please tell me you DONT watch Honey boo boo! UGH lol
    take them to your leader? well that is you of course! leader of 55!
